Pure maths, physics, logic (braingames.ru): non-trade-related brain games - page 9


Come on, let's see. Must have got mixed up somewhere along the way.

Yeah, to make it that easy. It's not working :) I was counting in my head at 12 o'clock at night. That's why I got it wrong.

It's a very cruel task. Very. Pity the thief. To look at the diamonds, to move them until blue in the face and ... get away with nothing.

And who comes up with such mocking tasks?

Mischek: It's a very cruel task. Very. Pity the thief. Look at the diamonds, move them till you're blue in the face and ...walk away with nothing.

Yes, brutal. I felt sorry for him myself as I solved it.

Reminder: there are still a couple of unresolved tasks - about the footballers and about cutting the circle.

A logic problem (weight 5):

The sneaky invaders have again completely unexpectedly captured two mega-brains. They made two caps and wrote a number from 1 to 99 on one of them and a bigger number by 1 on the other (the megamrains knew about it). Then they put these caps on the invaders and put them in front of each other. The invaders take turns asking if the megabrains know what number is written on their cap, until one of them answers, but they will not be asked more than 231 times. They'll be put on the sausage if either the answer is wrong or no one answers in 231 times. How do the mega-brains survive?

Note: the megamoskis have not agreed on anything. We can assume that they didn't even know each other before they were captured.


They'll be put on sausage if either the answer is wrong,

Why are these tasks so cruel? It's outrageous.

A logic problem (weight 5):

Hmm, that's a lot of weight.
Why such brutal tasks? It's outrageous.
It's to stimulate mental activity. It's common knowledge that no megamosk were harmed in this task :)

That's the style of the site, the invaders make fun of poor megamosks in all kinds of ways.

There's an important point: they may be cruel, but they're no stupider than MM. In short, fascists be damned.


There is a point: they, although brutal, are not stupider than MM.

What is the maximum weight of the tasks?
What is the maximum task weight?

Five, actually.

But five is not the same as five. There are very complex tasks weighing 3, and some very simple ones weighing 5.

Formally, weight of a task is calculated somehow, but it is not very objective, because many people see this task, look at the weight and do not even try to do it. So it turns out that the weight is high, but only because most people are afraid to solve it, not because it is difficult.


Yes, brutal. I felt sorry for him myself as I solved it.

Reminder: there are still a couple of unsolved problems - about football players and about cutting the circle.

A logic problem (weight 5):

The sneaky invaders have again completely unexpectedly captured two mega-brains. They made two caps and wrote a number from 1 to 99 on one of them and a bigger number by 1 on the other (the megamrains knew about it). Then they put these caps on the invaders and put them in front of each other. The invaders take turns asking if the megabrains know what number is written on their cap, until one of them answers, but they will not be asked more than 231 times. They'll be put on the sausage if either the answer is wrong or no one answers in 231 times. How do the mega-brains survive?

Note: the megamoves have not agreed on anything. We can assume that they didn't even know each other before they were captured.

I may not get it, but looking at the opposing MM, two attempts are enough