Pure maths, physics, logic (braingames.ru): non-trade-related brain games - page 211


Simplify things a bit by adding a stopwatch

how to find out the weight of a smartphone using its sensors - accelerometer, gyroscope, stopwatch (choose one).

(no external measuring devices such as a ruler).

the acceleration of free fall 9.81 m/s2 take?

although no, only the length of the suspension can be calculated


Simplify things a bit by adding a stopwatch

how to find out the weight of a smartphone using its sensors - accelerometer, gyroscope, stopwatch (choose one).

(There are no external measuring devices like a ruler).

So, weight or mass?
So, weight or mass?
mass or weight at rest. 9.82 m/s2 can.

To measure a mass, you need to exert a known force and measure the resulting acceleration

the only instrument that can be used is an acceleration meter.

In short, there is no way.


Has that task been forgotten about?

Mathemat (тут):

Террор деревни мегамозгов проклятыми оккупантами продолжается. На этот раз, поймав Мегамозга, оккупанты дали ему обычную полную бутылку воды и угОльную линейку, потребовав, чтобы он посчитал объем бутылки, иначе — смерть. Мегамозг внимательно осмотрел бутылку: она была не фигурной, ровной, с плоским дном, без этикетки. Провел несколько действий и дал ответ. Как ему это удалось?


Has this task been forgotten about?

Done and forgotten, yeah :)
Resolved and forgotten, yeah :)
I don't recall a decision in this thread...
I don't recall a solution in this thread...
Just in case -- the bottom is easy to measure and the problem is only with the throat?
I don't recall a solution in this thread...

Pour, turn over, measure the level, turn over again and measure. Then count it on a piece of paper.


I've been working on a trapezoidal division at my leisure. I'll get back to you on that.


Pour, turn over, measure the level, turn over again and measure. Then count it on a piece of paper.

Well, yeah.