Pure maths, physics, logic (braingames.ru): non-trade-related brain games - page 101


(5) A mouse chews a piece of cheese consisting of 27 cubes (like a Rubik's cube). As he eats one cube, he sequentially moves to one of its neighbouring cubes. Will she be able to eat all the cubes except the central one?


(2) There are five statements before you, three of which are false.

1+2=3. 2+3=5. 3+5=9. 5+9=14. 9+14=21.


(2) There are five statements before you, three of which are false. Find them.

1+2=3. 2+3=5. 3+5=9. 5+9=14. 9+14=21.

I don't get it. There are three truths. There's something you're not telling me...
I don't get it. There are three truths here. There's something you're not telling me...

What I bought... :)

I think it's just a matter of finding the right number system.

MetaDriver: For what it's worth... :)

I think it's just a matter of stupidly picking the right numbering system.

That's what I thought. But there's a nine, so it's not too far from decimal.

Where'd you get it?


That's what I thought too. But there's a nine, so it's not too far off the decimal point.

Well, it just means it's more decimal.

Where'd you buy it?

Same place.
The nine-way system. The last three are wrong.
The nine-way system. The last three are wrong.
In the nine-pointed system, the nines are not...
Nine-point system. The last three are wrong.

There is no number 9 in the nines.

In decimal, only two out of five are false.

So it's at least 11.

But I'm not sure this solution sketch is correct. Although, judging by the weight, it should be...

P.S. About the mouse and cheese - I've been trying it subconsciously for a while now. I feel that there is a simple solution, but I can not attack it.


In decimal there is no number 9.

In decimal, only two are false.

So it's at least 11.

All right, credit all around.

As I understand whichever system more decimal is taken, if three false statements are found, they will necessarily be the last three.


What about the hungry mouse?

// I solved it, by the way.