Emergency at the MICEX RTS. A frenzied trading robot - page 8


The speed of the code is several times slower, and what's higher is questionable.

I don't know, a lot of synthetics.
It's more important for me to spend three times less time on development (which may last several months), even if performance will be lower in some cases, even if by 30%
I don't know, a lot of synthetics.
For me it's more important to spend three times less time on development (which may last several months), even if the performance in some cases will be lower, even if by 30%

Plus adin.

And you can also count wagons in MQL4, yes. =)

I don't know, a lot of synthetics.
It is more important for me to spend three times less time on development (which may last several months), even if the performance is lower in some cases, even if it is 30%.
Well, of course the synthetic tests, it can't be otherwise. Otherwise it is impossible to compare languages for completely different applications (web and win applications, for example).
Having spent 3 times less time developing in a third-party language, how can you operate the market environment, including a crowd of indicators? It still turns out that there is nowhere without direct access to the market environment.

Yes, MQL4 has much less possibilities compared to conventional languages, but MQL5 provides almost everything that is necessary for industrial development. Moreover, it can flexibly work with external DLL - a new article about enhanced DLL support, compilation of C/C++ code from MetaEditor and easy import of descriptions from *.dll files by dragdrop into the editor will be published soon.
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции / Описание внешних функций
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции / Описание внешних функций
  • www.mql5.com
Основы языка / Функции / Описание внешних функций - Документация по MQL5
I'll be like hrenfx, but trading on indicators is rubbish. =)
Renat, MQL5 might be cool. But it's almost non-existent in real trading, you have to admit. Alpari keeps pushing back the deadlines. So, for myself, the trader (not the programmer working on request) will not have to learn it until the share of brokers with MT4 and MT5 is equal. And, no, the trader does not care about "please introduce faster MT5, I want it very much". The programmers and you (the office) care about that. The trader has to wait until everything settles, and the dust settles. For the money. =)
In general, I personally get the impression that MQL5 is the way MQL4 should have been. =)

Renat, MQL5 might be cool. But it's almost non-existent in real trading so far, you have to admit.
You have to admit that MT5 is out there in real trading. For examplehttp://www.liteforex.ru/trading/account-types/ This is the first thing I found quickly.
Типы счетов MT4, MT5 | LiteForex
Типы счетов MT4, MT5 | LiteForex
  • www.liteforex.ru
LITE(?) REAL(?) PAMM(?) NDD(?) STP(?) SGD(?) 1 Минимальная сумма первоначального депозита указана для счетов Управляющего. Минимальная сумма первоначального депозита для Инвестиционных счетов составляет $10. 2 Annual interest rate начисляемый процент на свободные средства (годовой процент). Ежедневно по окончании суток...

I'll be like hrenfx, then trading on indicators is rubbish. =)
By the way, I agree :)
I'm just paraphrasing: "Indicator trading doesn't work" =)
We must admit that there are MT5s in real trading. For examplehttp://www.liteforex.ru/trading/account-types/ This is the first thing I found quickly.

In fact, there is a lot more.

In general, why don't MQ make a separate section of the website where all supported brokers and exchanges are presented. It would be like a table, vertically with the names of the firms and horizontally with the characteristics of the services provided. Of course, brokers will edit their data themselves (MQ will not take care about keeping the table up to date).

Such an idea seems very chic for MQL5 trading community, but I don't know how much MQ, exchanges and brokers will like it.