Emergency at the MICEX RTS. A frenzied trading robot - page 2


Note the video - why are there so many old CRT monitors at the MICEX?

Or is it just the TV people spinning old footage from 10 years ago for background?


Duty officer (broker) talking on the phone in the hall of the Stock Exchange

Peter 1903

trading room


Note the video - why are there so many old CRT monitors on the MICEX?

Or are the TV people just playing an old tape from 10 years ago for background?

it's always like this, a couple of years ago http://www.newsru.com/finance/07may2010/obval.html the Dow Jones index accidentally fell by 1,000 p.p. and then the crisis was announced

then the robot "revolted"http://habrahabr.ru/post/146380/ and the radio said Putin was expecting another crisis.

accidents, nothing but accidents... The main thing is to get them into the media on time )))))

Из-за неведомой ошибки  рынок США за 15 минут потерял более $1 трлн
Из-за неведомой ошибки рынок США за 15 минут потерял более $1 трлн
  • www.newsru.com
Вчерашние торги на Уолл-стрит, несомненно, войдут в учебники истории под названием очередного "черного четверга": за несколько минут индекс Dow Jones рухнул почти на 1000 пунктов, индекс S&P 500 потерял сразу 8,6%, пишет газета "Ведомости". По оценке компании Wilshire International, занимающейся статистикой на Уолл-стрит, за 15 минут рынок...

Robots revolt too. Because.

Russian brokers create first dark pool

Российские брокеры создают первый dark pool - Разное - Новости - Личные финансы РБК
  • www.rbc.ru
Крупнейшие российские брокеры хотят создать первую в России межброкерскую систему ECN, в результате чего ММВБ-РТС может потерять часть оборотов, также может быть создан независимый от биржи dark pool («темный омут»). Новую систему брокеры создают потому, что они недовольны комиссионной политикой биржи. Как стало известно РБК daily, крупнейшие...
There is just such a problem in the world, when amateurs with huge ambitions are allowed to make a lot of money.

Either those hundreds of millions of dollars are just a small fraction of the deposit, or the person who wrote the robot has no brains.

Either the hundreds of millions of dollars is only a small part of the deposit, or the person who wrote the robot is not smart.

We almost got into a lot of trouble because of this little bugger. We keep Si robots in our portfolio, among other things. The logic was that breakdown and stop orders were protected by additional quotation mechanisms. At the time, they were the ones that prohibited the triggered breakout and stop levels from triggering. If we had put our intentions on the exchange in the usual format of pending orders, we would have made a good loss.
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Свойства ордеров
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Свойства ордеров
  • www.mql5.com
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Свойства ордеров - Документация по MQL5
We almost got into a lot of trouble because of this little bastard. We keep Si robots in our portfolio, among other things. The logic was that breakdown and stop orders were protected by additional quotation mechanisms. At the time, they were the ones that prohibited the triggered breakout and stop levels from triggering. We would have received a good loss if we had submitted our intentions to the exchange in the usual format of pending orders.
The dude lost 700 mio in the market and he's an asshole. You're the suckers for not being able to get some of that 700. And somebody took it. =)
Although, 700 mio was his turnover and he lost less. But he still gave the money away. Not you. =)

Either that hundreds of millions of dollars is just a tiny fraction of the deposit.

I think it's the other way around - pissed off until he drained the entire deposit.)
You yourself are a sucker and a jerk since you don't even know how trading techniques are organised in the stock market. You don't even know enough maths to calculate his marginal losses, and you're telling someone else what to do.
Oh, you're a big maths whiz. Come on, sucker, tell me, where did the money that dude lost go?! That's right, people earned it, not suckers. Phoenix earned it http://fenix-fx.livejournal.com/380812.html And no one's teaching you, you're so adorable, unscientific. Why spoil you with science?! =)
  • 2012.06.22
  • fenix_fx
  • fenix-fx.livejournal.com
А теперь по чесноку. Лично мне конечно очевидно, что такой хуйни  несправедливости на бирже быть не должно. Для нормального трейдера / арбитражера все эти спайки это в большинстве случаем отъем бабла. Как это работает. НА спайке вниз, арбитражер видит, что цена низкая и покупает. Но покупает он не на лое, а достаточно близко к текущим ценам. Но...