Is martin so bad? Or do you have to know how to cook it? - page 7

What is J.T.D. ?
Somewhere on the forum I saw a call for participants to be less categorical in their judgements and to make it clear more often that everything they say (except what others have said before) has the status of "IMHO". I like Y.T.D. better - I think so.

I've been shaking your house

A very serious swear word, worse than foul language

))) Hooligan.

Somewhere on the forum I saw a call for participants to be less categorical in their judgements and to make it clear more often that everything they say (except what others have said before) has the status of "IMHO". I like J.T.D. better - I think so.
I see, and for me these labels are of no use ("virus"). Since you wrote your own post, it's clear that it's your opinion. You wrote it yourself. :)

))) Hooligan.

I see. I don't think there's any need for these labels ("virus"). Since you wrote your own post, it's clear that it's your opinion. You wrote it yourself. :)

Well, sort of a form of politeness in addressing the interlocutor, like my opinion, but you do not impose it, and you have the right to disagree with me.
It's like this...


You know, a form of politeness in addressing the other person, like my opinion but not imposing it on you and you have the right to disagree with me.
It's like this...

Yes why this is being written I understand. It's just strange (it's noticeable in both the real and virtual worlds) that people often think that if someone expresses their thoughts, it's necessarily an imposition and start reacting painfully. Sometimes even a label doesn't help. ))) Okay, that's a slight digression from the subject. :)

And what do the distinguished gentlemen have to say about the anti-martin!
And what do the distinguished gentlemen have to say about the antimartin!
It's a clondike!
It's a Klondike.
Everyone says it's a Klondike, but there's no clear description. Who's saying what?

Martin increases the bet when you lose, anti-martin increases the bet when you win.

All in all, it's a Klondike.


now if you cross martin and anti-martin .... it's an Eldorado!

What do you have to object to now Mr. TheXpert?


Now what do you have to contradict Mr TheXpert ?

I don't even know what to think anymore. I'm going to get jealous and bile.

I'm looking for a fish, and people are mowing with martin, so it turns out...