Has anyone wondered why and how much the trend building "walks"? - page 9

this solution has already been proposed in the fourth forum.

Hmm. How did you check? I just have everything drawn dragging around the window, nothing straying...

Changed the size of the window. It plays just fine.

Turns out, if you don't scroll, but change the vertical size of the window, it's much easier to play.

this solution has already been suggested in the fourth forum.
What is it?
What scale?

1:1 scale

Кто-нибудь задавался вопросом почему и насколько сильно "гуляют" построения трендовыми? - MQL4 форум
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Кто-нибудь задавался вопросом почему и насколько сильно "гуляют" построения трендовыми? - MQL4 форум

Changed the window size. Playing it back is a piece of cake.

Turns out if you don't scroll, but change the vertical window size, it's much easier to play in general.

Got it. It staggers when it's horizontal, too.

That's not how I tested it, graphs are always full size...


1:1 scale

Yeah, that's right. On the 5, this option is done completely differently.


Bottom line. We draw a trend line with a ray along sufficiently close points. At a decent distance from the plotting points, the ray begins to be drawn with an error that is noticeable when zooming in.

The problem is related to the discreteness of pixel coordinates and discreteness of time and price values, too - the more different coordinates of line reference points - the more accurate the plotting. Try to draw a cross from a vertical and horizontal line and then hit it with a trend line ray. The further the target is from the plotting points and the closer the points are to each other, the harder it is to hit.

We will definitely try to reduce the calculation error for the mode with precise timeline, but in general there will always be some error.

The trend is short.

The application is closed.

MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 674

  1. Terminal: A more accurate algorithm for calculating the angle of inclination of the trend line is used.
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