MQL5 training - page 6


1. "That's right." And about the free lesson, I'll think about it. I'll probably make a video. Thanks for the tip.

Yeah, you think about it, definitely.

You might not have the right pitch or speak slower than the listener does.

For example, it really annoys me when you listen to a video explanation and sometimes you want to delete it from the trash for the unclear aims of the lecturer and the flowing idea that you understood fifteen minutes ago.

You definitely need a "test drive" in the form of a first lecture. Even a video with voiceover.


Who's that? Who's pulling your tongue? That's it, it's over. We'll never get a course for 300 rubles.

After your post, I should kill myself, throw away the computer, erase all my programming knowledge, put on warm clothes and slowly crawl to the cemetery.

You shot him on takeoff... with a shotgun...


If we had had it for another day or two we would have had a QUESTION . And there the numbers ...

Denkir is pushy. Look at how many articles he has. There will be a survey and figures and a trial course and a video with funny pictures.
a trial course and a video with funny pictures.
Are you implying that it's all going to be in the "Interesting and Humorous" thread?
Are you implying that it's all going to be in the Interesting and Humorous thread?
you don't understand, it's MQ who's paying you, he's talking about that option.
Now... Don't look for the black cat where there ain't no black cat.
Now... Don't look for the black cat where there is no black cat.
Everyone sees what they want to see. )))

Preparing any training course is an extremely time-consuming activity.

Are you familiar with the standards for preparation?

- 1 hour lecture - up to 6 hours
- 1 laboratory work - up to 90 hours
- 1 assignment - up to 0.5 hours

And that's a minimum estimate. And also take into account the time to prepare for classes on a ready-made course, time for checking homework and tests, time for consultations.

Yes, I do. It took me an average of 25 hours just for one lecture (just to write a text)...

What you are talking about is individual lessons. And on the principle of "I'm smart, I tell you what I know". When you are closely acquainted with such studies you will immediately understand their "efficiency" and "expediency". I admit that you have had a number of such sessions and your eyes have "glittered". But these are special cases. You have no information for generalizations and conclusions.

Any discipline is a mindset sharpened for that discipline. You will start encountering listeners who are incapable of going beyond "Hello World". Not because these listeners are "dumb", but because they don't see why they need it, because they will always ask you "when will we write an Expert Advisor or an indicator" and you will answer them "wait, we need to understand what a variable is". You will start to encounter widespread misunderstanding. You will start experiencing the illusion that "I will start writing EAs myself after a few lessons. You will look at the questions asked by your future trainees: "How much does it cost to train in programming, and how long does it take approximately? Do you think that asking such questions you will be listened to during 7 sessions, where you will tell people about variables and data types?

Courses are not educational institutions, where you have to learn and analyze any nonsense, even of the most mediocre lecturer - otherwise you won't get a crust. This is a course where they do not give crusts, where they come for quite specific skills and knowledge.

I understood your point of view. I see the common sense in it. And I will very probably listen to your opinion. I'll have to make some changes to the program then. I will inform you tomorrow.

I'd also like to ask you, abolk, to attend some onlineclasses. If you are, of course, interested. Maybe you could act as a reviewer.

Open any textbook on a foreign language, open an ABC book. You will understand that the first introduces the alphabet, only to introduce the new words and tell how to build simple sentences. The alphabet is not the goal here. Not only that, the alphabet is taught gradually by expanding the vocabulary. And you, like most textbooks, suggest learning the alphabet first and then the words and sentences. This is a dead-end approach.

That's how I understood it a long time ago. It's just that my method is from the simple to the complex. From concepts to judgements and inferences... I'll make another reference to the purpose of the basic course - to form a system of basic knowledge for self-coding EAs.

It's the same in programming, and especially in purely applied programming. First, you must tell how to translate the trading strategy in MQL and make it render the indicator. And only after (or in the process of) telling what is a variable and data types.

This is also there...In the introductory lecture, I will demonstrate how some Expert Advisors and scripts work... Then we will analyze their operation element by element...

...The applied language solves applied problems. The MQL4/5 tasks to open/close/modify an order/position. That's all. Everything else is gimmicks that are rarely used. And training in programming is not training in syntax, but training in programming techniques, specific application subtleties.

I agree, but not completely. Practice, of course, is the primary thing. But it must be supplemented with theory, without knowledge of which, your code, for instance, may be very large in size. If you don't know theory how the most frequently used operators work, you won't manage to use them correctly in code. Often people if-else lines of code, forgetting about the switch operator...


Yeah, you should think about it.

You might not have the right pitch, or you might speak slower than the listener thinks.

For example, I'm very annoyed when I listen to a video explanation and sometimes I want to delete it from the trash because of the lecturer's unclear aims and vague idea that I've understood fifteen minutes ago.

You definitely need a "test drive" in the form of a first lecture. Even a video with voice-over.

sergeev, by all means.

Who's that? Who's pulling your tongue? That's it, it's over. We'll never get a course for 300 rubles.

After your post, I should kill myself, throw away the computer, erase all my programming knowledge, put on warm clothes and slowly crawl to the cemetery.

You shot him on takeoff... with a shotgun...


If we had had it for another day or two, we would have had a poll. And there the numbers ...

Why are you so emotional, Mischek. Colleague abolk isvery constructive in his criticism of both methods and perceptions of the course. I would like to thank him especially for that.