Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 178

Personally, when installing the terminal on Windows 8, I go to the properties of the installation file and check to run as Administrator. That way everything works, the profiles are saved, and if the terminal needs to be uninstalled, it is uninstalled without question. This is exactly in Windows 8. I also assign the terminal file to run as administrator after installation.
Thanks for the tip. One more question: started to do as you advised. I marked Administrator in the setup file without problems, booted everything, but I can't find how to set the terminal to run as administrator. Could you please tell me.
Thanks for the tip. One more question: started to do as you advised. I marked Administrator in the installation file without any problems, downloaded everything, but I can't find how to set the terminal file to run as Administrator. Please tell me.
You need to find the terminal file in Program Files. Then right click on the terminal file and mark something there related to running as administrator.
Thanks for the tip. One more question: started to do as you advised. I marked Administrator in the installation file without any problems, I downloaded everything, but I can't find how to set the terminal file to run as Administrator. Could you please tell me.

Right-click on the shortcut ==> Properties


Thanks for the tip. One more question: Started to do as you advised. I marked Administrator in the installation file without any problems, I downloaded everything, but I can't find how to set the terminal file to work as Administrator. Could you please tell me.

In Windows 8 (8.1) do the following



Please tell me what happened? How can I fix it? I have a connection but it does not work, currency rates on charts do not change, I try to submit an order, he writes that the market is closed, I tried to reinstall and to connect to another server, I changed accounts, updated browsers, all to no avail, what to do?


Please tell me what happened? How can I fix it? I have a connection but it does not work, currency rates on charts do not change, I try to submit an order, he writes that the market is closed, I tried to reinstall and to connect to another server, I changed accounts, updated browsers, all to no avail, what to do?

You have to relax until Monday. I have a day off.

Please tell me what happened? How can I fix it? I have a connection but it does not work, currency rates on charts do not change, I try to submit an order, he writes that the market is closed, I tried to reinstall and to connect to another server, I changed accounts, updated browsers, all to no avail, what to do?

Markets are closed on weekends.
The markets are closed on weekends.

Thank you very much!


how to understand such a line in the code:

int curr_column,_col;
I mean this, because it is a pointer to itself and applies to non-static class members implicitly, why apply it explicitly?
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Структуры и классы
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Структуры и классы
Основы языка / Типы данных / Структуры и классы - Документация по MQL5

how to understand such a line in the code:

I mean this, because this is a pointer to itself and applies to non-static class members implicitly, why apply it explicitly?

this is not a pointer to itself, but a pointer associated with the field identifier in the object implementation.

I.e. there may be a local variable with the same identifier as the field in some object method, in which case you can distinguish the pointer to the object field from the pointer to the local variable with this.

int curr_column,_col; // Локальная переменная метода
this.curr_column=_col; // Поле объекта