Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 174


The MQL5 indicator now calculates correctly and economically.

Hurrah!!! It worked! Thank you! How can I change "price[i]" variable to maximum? If I understand it correctly, it requests the current price.

I need something similar to "iHigh" from MQL4 to see the extreme outliers over the line.

Please advise how to bind trading signals robot to a real trading account on the platformuTrader TP, the problem is that when you sign up in the login window pops up a comment that the username of the trading account can only be digital. and I login is the name of my mailbox. how in this case, bind the robot to your real trading account?

I don't.

Как подписаться на Торговые Сигналы
Как подписаться на Торговые Сигналы
  • 2012.10.09
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Новая версия сервиса «Сигналы» на теперь интегрирована с торговой платформой MetaTrader 5 и позволяет трейдерам подключаться к любому сигналу, выставленному продавцом. Это означает, что вы выбираете заинтересовавшего вас поставщика торговых сигналов, подписываетесь на него – и все его сделки с этого момента повторяются на вашем счете.

Hooray!!! It worked! Thank you! How can I replace the variable "price[i]" with the maximum? If I understand it correctly, it requests the current price.

I need something similar to "iHigh" from MQL4 to see the extreme outliers over the line.

When you attach the indicator to the chart, click on the tabs - there you will find a drop-down list of different price variants at which the indicator will be calculated (Open, Close....)
When attaching the indicator to the chart, click on tabs - there you will find a drop-down list with different price variants on which the indicator will be calculated (Open, Close....)

In the calculate function put in place of the previous one:

int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime& time[],
                const double& open[],
                const double& high[],
                const double& low[],
                const double& close[],
                const long& tick_volume[],
                const long& volume[],
                const int& spread[])
and replaced price[i] by high[i]. It seems to work. It works.

In the function calculate put in place of the old one:

and replaced price[i] with high[i]. It seems to work. It works!
In this case you will be hardwired to High in the indicator code. But it is correct too. Good luck!
In that case you will be hardwired to High in the indicator code. It's the right thing to do though. Good luck!
Thank you again! MQL5 is a much more complicated language than MQL4.

Need to get the time or index of a bar obtained using the ArrayMaximum function.

I managed to get the maximum, the total number of bars. And then it's not clear.

double High[];
int i=0;
int k=12;
double Maxi=High[ArrayMaximum(High)]//получено значение максимума 
int e=ArraySize(High);//получено общее кол-во баров  
Документация по MQL5: Операции с массивами / ArrayMaximum
Документация по MQL5: Операции с массивами / ArrayMaximum
Операции с массивами / ArrayMaximum - Документация по MQL5

Need to get the time or index of a bar obtained using the ArrayMaximum function.

I managed to get the maximum, the total number of bars. But further on, it is not clear.

Read theArrayMaximum help at

You have already got the index of the bar.

Документация по MQL5: Операции с массивами / ArrayMaximum
Документация по MQL5: Операции с массивами / ArrayMaximum
Операции с массивами / ArrayMaximum - Документация по MQL5

Read the help aboutArrayMaximum

You already got the bar index.

Thank you! The index has been extracted. Now I can't get its correct time. I use the function CopyTime for this.

Maybe there are some other ways to get the time of got index element?

double High[];
datetime Time[];
int i=0;
int k=31;
double Maxi=High[ArrayMaximum(High)];
int s=ArrayMaximum(High,i,k);
int start = s;// индекс бара
int count = 1; // количество баров

Thank you! The index has been extracted. Now I can't get his correct time.
