OpenCL: internal implementation tests in MQL5 - page 10



We have decided to support OpenCL 1.0 as well in order to allow using "old" maps in calculations where double maths is not required. MQL5 program will be able to specify desired OpenCL version using #property opencl flags

The script presented at the beginning of the branch now runs, but there is an error in the log:

SaveBitmapToFile error opening 'Mandelbrot.bmp'

The #property opencl flags are not available yet?


Does the new build of the tester already include a video card or not? If so, where can you see its results?


The script presented at the beginning of the branch now runs, but there is an error in the log:

SaveBitmapToFile error opening 'Mandelbrot.bmp'

Are the #property opencl flags not available yet?

It means that OpenCL is not available and the empty image is so often recreated on disk that the file is often locked by the terminal.

The script shown on the first page simply does not check the result of executing CLContextCreate() which results in an idle loop. We should have checked it - we created this example hastily for demonstration purpose.

We will include the #property opencl parameter in the next version.

On the whole, practice has shown that the vast majority of computers (including the latest top configurations) have Microsoft video card default drivers with no OpenCL at all in them. When buying a powerful computer, the user has no idea that the power of the video card cannot be realized even in games without installing the latest native drivers from the manufacturer's website.


Does the new build of the tester already include a video card or not? If so, where can you see its results?

Yes, of course. From MQL5, you can call OpenCL functions and calculate your tasks.

We are currently reworking the tick generation system and would like to port it to OpenCL 1.1 if it is available.


Can you tell me how to check if my video card(XFX Readon HD 5850 Black Ediction) is activated? My driver version is AMD Catalist 11.12 c OpenCL I have semester 64bit, build version 581 metatestore .

I use it for cloud ie give my resources... After upgrading I did not feel any difference ... Maybe i need to download and install the latest version of video drivers ?


Yes, of course. You can call OpenCL functions from MQL5 and read your tasks.

We are currently reworking the tick generation system and want to move it to OpenCL 1.1 if it is available.

I am not referring to my tasks, I am referring to solving tasks for the cloud. I have installed MT5, in test agents 4 cores are still lit up, if it's not hard to tell me how to run calculations on a video card. And is there any way to provide its power to the cloud? Thanks in advance


This means that OpenCL is not available and the empty image is so often recreated on disk that the file is often locked by the terminal.

The script on the first page simply does not check the result of CLContextCreate() execution which leads to an idle high-speed loop. We should have checked it - we created this example hastily for demonstration purpose.

We will include the #property opencl parameter in the next version.

On the whole, practice has shown that the vast majority of computers (including the latest top configurations) have Microsoft video card default drivers with no OpenCL at all in them. When buying a powerful computer, the user has no idea that the power of the video card cannot be realized even in games without installing the latest native drivers from the manufacturer's website.

So, is it possible that even if OpenCL-Z shows OpenCL 1.0, it does not mean that it exists at all? Did I get it right? :)
So it is possible that even if OpenCL-Z shows OpenCL 1.0, it does not mean that it exists at all? Did I get that right? :)
Yes, it's not enough that the hardware supports it, the drivers have to support OpenCL as well. Although I don't know whether -Z gets its information from drivers or directly from the video card.
It is not enough that hardware supports it, you need to have drivers that support OpenCL as well. Although I don't know whether -Z gets information from drivers or directly from video card.

On this page of NVIDIA official website I found that my video card and drivers support OpenCL 1.0: I'll try to re-install the drivers, I see I've installed one of the latest ones, which in fact my card doesn't support (I checked it in the list of supported products exceptions), hence the "glitch". :)


And you can get some useful information from this link:

Этот эталонный драйвер предоставляется в рамках программы по поддержке драйверов для ноутбуков NVIDIA Verde и поддерживается некоторыми графическими процессорами для ноутбуков от NVIDIA. Однако, пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что производители аппаратного обеспечения для ноутбуков (OEM) предлагают сертифицированные драйверы для вашего оборудования...
So, it is possible that even if OpenCL-Z shows OpenCL 1.0, it does not mean that it exists at all? Did I get that right? :)

This utility also takes data from the driver. That is, if it shows 1.0, then it is there.

But the drivers need to be updated in any case. Older drivers manage to freeze on innocuous OpenCL operations (we have already experienced this).