OpenCL: internal implementation tests in MQL5 - page 5

A related discussion in forum: OpenCL and tools for it. Reviews and impressions
OpenCl и инструменты для него. Отзывы и впечатления. - MQL4 форум
OpenCl и инструменты для него. Отзывы и впечатления. - MQL4 форум
Unfortunately, the option of the programmer calculating the PR himself will not work.

Probably missed in the text. I was referring specifically to distributional PR, not for calculation of computation cost. PR_calculate is an indicator for optimal distribution of the task by the cloud to the agents and only.

Currently, the PR for cost calculation is the same as PR_calculate.

The individual PR_calculate only has an impact on the final computation time, not the cost.

The easiest way to use PR_calculate is if I know that there is almost the same amount of computation on each computation run in my algorithm. Then I set PR_calculate as a single run of the algorithm. Obviously, in this case the cloud will distribute the task among the agents in the most optimal way.

PR_calculate is only the problem of the person who wrote it. As there is a cost even for calculating it.


I'm looking at video cards.

Experienced citizens ! Any advice on what's best in terms of price/performance ratio?


Experienced citizens ! Can you advise me on the best price/performance ratio?

ATI seems to be out of competition in this respect (topic of the thread) (top cards). You can get a swarm of over 1000 GPU cores in one bottle for reasonable money.

If the question was about gaming, I would answer - nVidia Geforce GTX 580.


I'm looking at video cards.

Experienced citizens ! Any advice on what's best in terms of price/performance ratio?

Price/threads ratio: like ilovebtc: HD6930. Price is around 6000RUB, streams something around 1280. Some even manage to unlock them to 6950 and get (again at a guess) 1400 threads. None of the nvidia will even compete as they all have no more than 500 CUDA cores. Bought GTX570 - took it away the same day as it was 4 times inferior to 5870 in boinc-manager calculations (no exaggeration). Took 6970 - happy with it, but for calculations better two 6930 for that money, which gives about 2500 threads.

ATI seems to be out of competition in this respect (the topic of the thread) (top-of-the-range cards). You can get a swarm of over 1000 GPU cores in one bottle for a reasonable price.

If the question was about gaming, I'd answer - nVidia Geforce GTX 580.

Yep, I've been twiddling my thumbs on the forums already. It seems that way.

Nah. I'm not really interested in gaming. I'm just interested in calculations.


Nah. I'm not really interested in games. I'm interested in calculations.

See AlexEro's posts. Or in private to ILoveBTC.
Price/streaming ratio: like ilovebtc: HD6930. Price is around 6000 RUR, streams something around 1280. Some even manage to unlock them to 6950 and get (again at a guess) 1400 threads. None of the nvidia will even compete as they all have no more than 500 CUDA cores. Bought GTX570 - took it away the same day as it was 4 times inferior to 5870 in boinc-manager calculations (no exaggeration). Took the 6970 - happy with it, but for calculations better two 6930s for the money, which gives about 2500 threads.

Oh! Just what I need. Thank you!

Another question for the future: how do I combine them into a battery if, for example, I buy two or three HD6930s?// I'll take one for now, but will be added later.

What are the costs of combining? Is it all down to commutation or do you need additional devices?


1. See AlexEro's posts.

2. or in person to ILoveBTC.

1. I'm watching it, by all means. :) 2. I'll keep it in mind. When I have more specific questions. It is not enough to buy it, it will have to be programmed as well. :-)
1. I'm looking at it, by all means. :) 2. I'll keep it in mind. When I have more specific questions. It's not enough to buy it, you have to program it as well. :-)
I'm sorry, everyone's counting, maybe the money.) You'll knock all the videogames off the shelves. What do you need a video card for? It's not for the cloud, what is it for?