Voluntary certification of programmers in the Work service - page 4


)))) why don't we also test customers at the entrance to a computer shop for hardware knowledge?

Now then... Then who should they sell old and unsaleable hardware to :)))

The issue is not the quality of the terms of reference, but that a large part (not excluded that most) of the programmers who provide services to this site are not professionals and should not be able to provide services on an equal basis with the rest.

Funny but I see the negative reaction of man in this thread which I as much as 3 times complained about customers ) Including winning arbitration.

On the issue of discussing the job with the customer - it is your job dear colleagues, a humanitarian is not capable of drawing up TOR due to personal qualities. (I am not talking about cases where the customer does not understand what he wants in general).

Rosh, I want to hear your opinion on this proposal (certification), have you thought about it, what have you come to?


We can do things differently. Team up with Dima Integer as initiators. Create a site like mql5certification.

Formulate the rules. You can add the existence of works in the codebase and rating on this forum to filter out the clones, and whatever else you like.

The result is a list of programmers on the mql5certification site.

And on this forum in the profile link to certification

The costs are symbolic, so are the fees. True, for the fees we will have to check the candidates.

And we will be accused of all mortal sins from those who have not passed

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о запущенной MQL5-программе
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о запущенной MQL5-программе
  • www.mql5.com
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о запущенной MQL5-программе - Документация по MQL5
Something like that is what I was suggesting. That's where we got off the subject last time :)

We can do things differently. Team up with Dima Integer as initiators. Create a site like mql5certification.

Formulate the rules. You can add the existence of works in the codebase and rating on this forum to filter out the clones, and whatever else you like.

The result is a list of programmers on the mql5certification site.

And on this forum in the profile link to certification

The costs are symbolic, so are the fees. True, for the fees we will have to check the candidates.

We may be accused of all mortal sins from those who have not passed

The proposal is certainly good and I thought about it, but here as well as in arbitration requires the third independent party who has only one goal - to develop the service. MetaQuest is the only candidate.
Maybe then introduce clauses for programmers such as
1. Warranty and maintenance. Does the programmer provide a warranty. As if protecting the client.
2. Insurance for the work. On the client's account. Protecting the programmer.
At least if thought through, it can help in the same arbitration situations.
The proposal is certainly good and I thought about it, but here, as well as in arbitration, we need a third independent party with only one goal - to develop the service. MetaQuest is the only candidate.

Roch, I would like to hear your opinion about this proposal (attestation), have you thought about it, what have you come up with?

You will be disrespected by the administration of the resource. Banned permanently.

We can do things differently. Team up with Dima Integer as initiators. Create a site like mql5certification

This will not work, we are the persons concerned.

)))) why don't we also test customers at the entrance to a computer shop for hardware knowledge?

If anything, I go to the shop with pictures of the inside of the system unit, so that the salesmen don't ask unnecessary questions.
Maybe then to introduce for programmers such items as
1. Warranty and maintenance. Does the programmer provides a warranty. As if to protect the client.
2. Insurance of the work. On the client's account. Protecting the programmer.
At least, if you think about it, it may help in the same arbitration situations.

Until there are adequate terms of reference on the part of the customer (either independently developed or with the help of specialists), the mess will continue.

Certification of programmers of course can improve the case (if of course it will be carried out not by intermediaries, but by and large either will not help or it will not be passed by more than 10 people.