Questions from a "dummy" - page 148

Well look at your code yourself. The condition if(timeOntrade.hour==4 || timeOntrade.hour==15 || timeOntrade.hour==16) is useless in its present form. Because no matter what result it produces, your bool function timeOntrade() will always return true.
It sounds logical. That's what I'm interested in. I think I wrote unnecessary unnecessary things and may have missed the necessary thing.

alph, this is what Yedelkin is talking about.

These variants of the function are identical in our mind

I see now.
Sounds logical, that's why I'm interested. It seems to me that I wrote unnecessary unnecessary things and may have missed the necessary ones.

There is one more thing that is not clear to me yet

   timeOntrade.hour= 0;
   timeOntrade.min = 0;
   timeOntrade.sec = 1;
   if(timeOntrade.hour==4 || timeOntrade.hour==15 || timeOntrade.hour==16) return(true);

That is, if I understand correctly, we first assign the clock to 0 and then compare it.

Where is the logic?

One more point, which is not yet clear to me

That is, if I understand correctly, we first assign the clock to 0 and then compare it.

Where is the logic?
I have not yet removed the line with true, but it seems to me, if you remove it, already in ontik there will be no comparison with clock as a specific value or parameter.
I haven't removed the line with true yet, but it seems to me, if we remove it, there will be no comparison with clock as a specific value or parameter in ontik.

At the moment these options are identical in my opinion

bool timeOntrade(int TradeHour)
   MqlDateTime timeOntrade;
   if(timeOntrade.hour!=TradeHour) return(false);
   timeOntrade.hour= 0;
   timeOntrade.min = 0;
   timeOntrade.sec = 1;
   if(timeOntrade.hour==4 || timeOntrade.hour==15 || timeOntrade.hour==16) return(true);

bool timeOntrade(int TradeHour)
   MqlDateTime timeOntrade;
   if(timeOntrade.hour!=TradeHour) return(false);

In general, I don't understand why values need to be assigned.

That is, as far as I understand, the best option is

bool timeOntrade(int TradeHour)
   MqlDateTime timetrade;
   if(timetrade.hour!=TradeHour) return(false);
In this case, if the current server time (only for clock) is not equal to the set one, then it returns false, otherwise it returns true.

At the moment these options are identical

I actually don't understand why we need to assign values?

To write this:

void OnTick()



//Base for switching to Open

MqlRates rt[1];

if(CopyRates(Symbol(),MyTframe,0,1,rt)<0) return;

if(rt[0].tick_volume>1) return;

if(!PositionSelect(_Symbol) && (timeOntrade(4) || ((timeOntrade(15) || timeOntrade(16))&& timeOntrade2(0)))) Open();//go to position opening

timeOntrade.min = 0;

This is clearly unnecessary in this context

   timeOntrade.min = 0;
   timeOntrade.sec = 1;


To put this in:

void OnTick()

Try this option. If not then I don't understand what you're trying to get...

bool timeOntrade(int TradeHour)
   MqlDateTime timetrade;
   if(timetrade.hour!=TradeHour) return(false);

Try this option. If not then I don't understand what you're trying to get...

Yes, yes, and in:

 bool timeOntrade2(int TradeMin)  
   MqlDateTime timetrade2;
   if(timetrade.min!=TradeMin) return(false);

Yes, yes, and in:

Then already so (to be sure). But, in principle, you got me right

 bool timeOntrade2(int TradeMin)  
   MqlDateTime timetrade;
   if(timetrade.min!=TradeMin) return(false);

Then it's like this (to be sure). But, in principle, you got me right

Thank you! Is the rest of the code correct?