Whether locking or counter positions are possible - page 15

Yuri, I must be out of the loop because I don't know about any such"technical possibilities". What kind of "technical capability" is this? - Probably it means the possibility for the broker providing duplicate instruments to debit clients' accounts with additional commissions in the form of negative swaps? Yes, it is indeed a great technical feature for brokers, but why do clients need it?

No Vasily, it is not that.

Then let's start from afar.

First question Vasily, do you know what a LOC is?

Well - let's just say in MT5 you can't enter the lock in the classic ! i.e. it's technically impossible

the platform itself means you can't go into the lock, you know that? - that was the second question.


Well - let's just say in MT5 you can't enter the low in the classic one ! i.e. it's technically impossible ...

Similarly I can say that it's impossible to enter the low in MetaTrader4. Because every broker who respects his income will matched client positions into a single net position and put it on the interbank. The broker pays the same commissions as we do, per unit volume, so he is interested to output the total position, and not the volume of each trader separately.

Let's define the terms. What we see in the terminal MetaTrader4 in the form of open orders is a technical possibility to organize locks. Physically, the lots will be displayed in the market as a single net position. You can say that lots are virtualization offered by MetaTrader4. Such virtualization is not offered by default in MetaTrader5, but it can be developed based on MetaTrader5 environment, because MetaTrader4 is only a subset of MetaTrader5. Everything that is possible in MT4 is guaranteed to be possible in MT5, but the opposite is not true:

More specifically on the subject of hedging, with a certain organization of data, a net position is guaranteed to be reversible into the set of locks that form it (see again the "opportunity diagram"). In this case it does not matter where the virtualization algorithm is located: in the terminal itself (as in MetaTrader4) or in its user-level environment (as in MetaTrader5).


Similarly, I can argue that you cannot enter a lot in MetaTrader4. Because every broker who respects his income will match the clients' positions into a single petto-position and then take it to the interbank. The broker pays the same commissions as we do, per unit volume, so he is interested to output the total position, and not the volume of each trader separately.

Let's define the terms. What we see in the terminal MetaTrader4 in the form of open orders is a technical possibility to organize locks. Physically, the lots will be displayed in the market as a single net position. You can say that lots are virtualization offered by MetaTrader4. Such virtualization is not offered by default in MetaTrader5, but it can be developed based on MetaTrader5 environment, because MetaTrader4 is only a subset of MetaTrader5. Everything that is possible in MT4 is guaranteed to be possible in MT5, but the opposite is not true:

More specifically on the subject of hedging, with a certain organization of data, a net position is guaranteed to be reversible into the set of locks that form it (see again the "opportunity diagram"). In this case it does not matter where the virtualization algorithm is located: in the terminal itself (as in MetaTrader4) or in its user-level environment (as in MetaTrader5).

Vasily, do not complicate things

It is very simple!

technically - technologically (as you prefer):

1) in mt4 you can initially open two positions simultaneously for one instrument and sell and buy (this is called a lock)

2) in Mt5, you cannot


But some brokers creating two tools at the same time will give you this possibility!

That's all!


) and no panel will allow you to go to the lock in mt5 ! ( unless you can do this )



and no panel will allow you to enter the lock in mt5 ! ( if you do not have the possibility )

Why not? Because the result will always be identical.

Vasily, don't make this harder than it needs to be.

Yura, check out his profile. He has implemented locks in MT5, so he knows what he is talking about.