Interesting and Humour - page 4912

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

And Archimedes didn't wash at all.

Yeah, and Mendeleev fell in love with a 17-year-old girl and married her!

That's the truth!

Denis Sartakov #:

Yeah, and Mendeleev fell in love with a 17-year-old girl and married her !

pure truth!

Even without the soap))))

Denis Sartakov #:

Yeah, and Mendeleev fell in love with a 17-year-old girl and married her !

That's the truth!

And Bloch married Mendeleev's daughter.

Charlie Chaplin married an 18-year-old at 54.

Rattern detection is a person's ability to deduce meaningful images from sensory chaos. In psychology, this ability is not a bad predictor of a person's propensity for conspiracy theories.
Хомяк-криптотрейдер за три месяца увеличил портфель почти на 30%. Он обошёл Уоррена Баффета - ЯПлакалъ
Хомяк-криптотрейдер за три месяца увеличил портфель почти на 30%. Он обошёл Уоррена Баффета - ЯПлакалъ
  • afropinguin
Мистер Гокс занимается торговлей криптовалютой с 12 июня. В июне 2021 года хозяин и «деловой партнер» хомяка построил специальную клетку с датчиками, подключенными к Arduino Nano. В ней хомяк выбирает конкретную криптовалюту и торгует ей, а также ведёт прямую трансляцию на Twitch и...

The volcano is more formidable today than yesterday.

Guys, what do you think - which is the right answer?
Andy #:
Guys, what do you think - what is the right answer?

If currency revaluation is a translation into roubles, then the rouble account is not affected - C. But to be honest, I don't know what it is at all))

Andy #:
Guys, who thinks - what is the right answer?
Who has the euro, because the base currency is this. He loses the least on conversion. The one in dollars loses slightly more, because the dollar is the instrument's secondary currency. And the biggest loser is the one in roubles, because it is not the instrument's currency at all.