Interesting and Humour - page 4883

"An engineer and an anti-vaccinationist approach a bridge over a river teeming with crocodiles and piranhas.
The anti-vaccinationist asks the engineer:
- Is it safe to walk across this bridge?
The engineer replies:
- It is 99.97% safe to walk across this bridge.
- Hmm. Then I'd rather swim." (с)

Swimming is no longer 99.97%, it's 0%, which is worse, so it's "anti".

but the thing is, the bridge is not 100% safe.

In short, the anecdote, as worded, is an underhanded attack on engineers.

I've been surfing the internet right now, googling it.

There's a lot of variations.

and the correct one is:

"An engineer and an anti-vaccinationist approach a bridge over a river teeming with crocodiles and piranhas.
The anti-vaccinationist asks the engineer:
- Is it safe to walk across this bridge?
The engineer replies:
- It is 150% safe to walk across this bridge.
- Hmm. Then I'd rather swim." (с)

That's exactly what anti-vaccine psychology is describing.

So he doesn't believe in vaccinations.

But still not funny
The anecdote you are discussing is incomprehensible. Vaccinations and crocodiles, where is the connection? And the engineer too. I don't get it. It doesn't make any sense.
Aleksei Stepanenko:
And an engineer, too.

well, as if engineers are already involved in this inoculation process:

looks post-apocalyptic... but apparently the future is already here ;)

ZS: although another obscurantism - hang up on the pole the old-fashioned "mate speaker" and turn on the audio recording, otherwise they bought Chinese toys and are all looking where to stick it

Igor Makanu:

well, as if engineers are already involved in this inoculation process:

looks post-apocalyptic... but apparently the future is already here ;)

ZS: although another obscurantism - hang the old-fashioned loudspeaker on the pole and turn on the audio recording, otherwise they bought Chinese toys and are all looking where to stick them

By the way, it's a good idea to use drones for TB control. Another thing is that in the video it is presented to the point of absurdity.

They identify helmet-less, or one/non-insurance very accurately... transport, which may not be there, or vice versa.

on construction sites, controlling drones is the right place.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

By the way, it's a good idea to use drones for TB control. Another thing is that in the video it is presented to the point of absurdity.

They are very accurate in determining the absence of helmets, or the absence of one or more safety guards.

On construction sites, controlling drones is the right place.

they are dangerous if they are not autonomous, operating them via radio waves in noisy industrial areas is a real hassle, the welder switches on the arc .... and the quadcopter flew with a scary roar towards all the workers who didn't have their helmets on.... - just the plot of another thriller ))))


some unsportsmanlike behaviour...every thing is beautiful where it is :-)

or rather was...

Igor Makanu:

it is dangerous if it is not a stand-alone machine, just operating it by radio in an industrial interference zone is a story - the welder lit up the arc .... and the quadcopter flew with a scary roar towards all the workers who didn't have their helmets on.... - just the plot of another thriller ))))

Our domestic construction sites are characterized by crazy size... Construction/installation is done on one or two spots, but there will be three football fields, with car parks, fuel stations, storage rooms, temporary warehouses... and a 'construction headquarters' is obligatory...
the number one task for the drone is to fly from edge to edge :-)

just know the deal - video-surveillance is demanded and ordered there.

Igor Makanu:

well, as if engineers are already involved in this inoculation process:

looks post-apocalyptic... but apparently the future is already here ;)

ZS: although another obscurantism - hang up on the pole in the old fashioned way "mate" and turn on the audio recording, otherwise they bought Chinese toys and everyone is looking where to stick them

How come people don't remember this masterpiece?

Moscow City 17 quarantine edition 2020


Cryptocurrency exchange founders disappeared with $3.6bn worth of bitcoins


Олег avtomat:

Cryptocurrency exchange founders disappeared with $3.6bn worth of bitcoins
