Interesting and Humour - page 4873

Cypress herb has different kinds. You have to know which one to harvest. Fermentation is also quite a delicate job.

Lapsang souchong is a special subject. Hardly anyone likes it the first time.

On the second try, a lot of people like it. But for me, it's absolutely not allowed with sugar - it's disgusting.


tea is getting a lot of use, a lot of people quit drinking, I get up in the morning to drink tea

not all alcoholics have just tasted the delicious flavoured tea yet)


I wonder if the pound will go straight to the gap on monday?

I got the devil to buy a fanless i7 in an alum case on ali, $400 manually in minus) now returning it quickly, hopefully I won't have to do it again, robot is long, not interesting


tea is getting a lot of use, a lot of people stop drinking, I get up in the morning to drink tea

not all alcoholics have just tasted the delicious aromatic tea yet.)

Not everyone...

But the trend is hopeful...


wow, what's gonna happen on monday.

By the way who may have missed DMX getting blown away today, wouldn't have recognised it if I hadn't come across Dogs out of the popular names in the news


wow, what's gonna happen on monday.

By the way, may have missed DMX getting blown away today, wouldn't have recognised him if I hadn't come across Dogs out of the popular names in the news

Didn't drink the tea, so he was blown away. Wasn't sniffing tea either.

Didn't drink tea, where's the strength? Tea, you're weak.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Isn't it already hard to dry the willow meadowsweet? I often bother to mow and pile it up))) it grows fast, the trunk is stiff after flowering... so I have to fight the Cypress miracle ))))

In fact, lying in a pile is fermentation) You just need to stop this fermentation at the right time by drying when heated)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

The further one goes, the more difficult it becomes to clearly distinguish between appliedmathematics and purely theoretical mathematics. I am reminded of a story about a mathematician who chose to do number theory because it was a totally theoretical field, which had nothing to do with the army) Then this science turned out to be very necessary for encryption, which is needed primarily in the army).

If you look at how people of science ended up in the Middle Ages, very few ended up well, almost all spent their fortunes on their interests to the end, and often ended up poor and misunderstood. At school I only noted Jung. He had double frames I remember. Worked on thermal conductivity and applied it at home)

But I didn't meet any happy fates in cryptography.