Interesting and Humour - page 4733

Party meeting. The Party leader talks about the Party's plans.
-In 10 years' time every citizen of the USSR will have a car! And in 20 years, an aeroplane!
-A car, I see, but why an aeroplane? -They ask.

-You live in Ryazan, but you dumped oil in Sakhalin. Are you going there by car?!

May the moderators forgive me! If something is wrong, then at least for a week!

i couldn't help it ...

Denis Sartakov:
Party meeting. The Party leader talks about the Party's plans.
-In 10 years' time every citizen of the USSR will have a car! And in 20 years, an aeroplane!
-A car, I see, but why an aeroplane? -They ask.

-You live in Ryazan, but you dumped oil in Sakhalin. Are you going there by car?!

May the moderators forgive me! If something is wrong, at least for a week! No more!

I couldn't resist...

That's it, Denis. They'll put you in jail. Don't write.


If you look at the question and the answers separately, the right answer exists according to the rules of the answer game necessarily. Right?

Of the correct answers, there is a chance of guessing 1 out of three, as 2 answers are repeated.

The chance is 1 in 3.

It's a kid's guessing game.)


context ads popped up on this forum's profile - one has a guy squinting slyly in front of a chart with identical bars scattered like stars in the sky, and another advertises a trading robot with a skull ("with minimum risk!")... it looks like they should be read as a comic book - the guy tried to trade this chart and the second one shows the results

Uladzimir Izerski:

If you look at the question and the answers separately, the right answer exists according to the rules of the answer game necessarily. Right?

Of the correct answers, there is a chance of guessing 1 out of three, as 2 answers are repeated.

There is a one in three chance.

It's a kid's guessing game.)

If it is a children's guessing game, an adult should understand that the answer is "A, B, C, D", and it doesn't matter what values are given.

The answers are

  • A 25
  • D 25
are different answers.
But how interesting is it that this nonsense has enticed so many grown men who like to measure up............
Uladzimir Izerski:

If you look at the question and the answers separately, the right answer exists according to the rules of the answer game necessarily. Right?

Of the correct answers, there is a chance of guessing 1 out of three, as 2 answers are repeated.

The chance is 1 in 3.

(It's a kid's guessing game.))

wrong :) if the correct answer is 25%, then its probability is 2/4, i.e. 50%, and if it is 50%, then its probability is 1/4, i.e. 25%

this is a recursion from which there is no way out

i.e. the correct answer, there is no coincidence of values and their probability of falling out at random, unless you take the hint "50/50" and then choose "50%" :)


You've got to be kidding me. Is it difficult to read and understand the question?

There's a question and there's one of the right answers.

What's the chance of guessing the right answer?

It's a one in three chance.



25 and 25 are equal and probably not the right answer. But never mind. 1 in 3.


It's fun to be around you.

I recall an argument on a technical forum. The guys there were debating whether pressure was a vector or a scalar.


So this is a humorous page.

For those of you who are bored. Here's a challenge.

Pencil, paper.

Cross each side of the rectangles without repeating the intersection like this.


Uladzimir Izerski:

So this is a humorous page.

For those of you who are bored. Here's a challenge.

Pencil, paper.

Cross each side of the rectangles without repeating the intersection like this.

on the fly.

you figure out the probability of the correct answer

and don't forget the key:

"if you had chosen the answer

at random


picking one answer at random is like picking a ticket in an exam.

even if all the tickets are the same or there's a million of them, it doesn't matter,
