Interesting and Humour - page 4666


That's the way to pile on!!!))

Aleksandr Prishenko:

Block diagram)

"Generally speaking, a universal epidemiological threshold is considered tobe 5% of the population in an area".

"Rarely (once every 4-6 years) epidemics are also caused by influenza virus type "B"; they develop more slowly than those caused by the "A" virus and usually cover 8-10% of the population."

"It is estimated by WHO that between 250,000 and 500,000 people (most of them older than 65) die each year in seasonal outbreaks of all strains of the (influenza) virus worldwide.

Italy, population 60,588,366, ill 105,792. And the percentage of ill people is 0.175%.

USA, population 328 915 700, ill 180636 .Andthat the percentage of sick is 0 .055%

I'm going to hit the wall.


"Auniversal epidemiological threshold is generally considered to be 5% of the inhabitants of an area".

"Influenza type 'B' virus epidemics are also quite rare (once every 4-6 years); they develop more slowly than those caused by the 'A' virus and usually cover 8-10% of the population."

"It is estimated by WHO that between 250,000 and 500,000 people (most of them older than 65) die each year in seasonal epidemics from all strains of the (influenza) virus.

Italy, population 60,588,366, ill 105,792. And the percentage of ill people is 0.175%.

USA, population 328 915 700, ill 180636 . Andthat sickness rate is 0 .055%.

I'm gonna go bang my head against the wall.

It's been explained three hundred times why this particular type of coronavirus is dangerous.


The non-profit organization Herzliya Le Maan Toshaveya (Herzliya for Its Residents) has submitted a request to the Tel Aviv District Court to accept a 100 billion shekel representation claim filed against the government of the People's Republic of China.

The organisation's attorneys Shmuel Saadia and Amit Hampel are asking to represent the interests of all Israeli residents affected by the PRC authorities' negligence.

The lawsuit claims that the state of Israel is facing one of the worst crises in its history due to the lack of proper sanitary control in the markets of the Chinese city of Wuhan or due to the leakage of a dangerous virus from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

It should be noted that in the US, a similar lawsuit was filed by Freedom Watch against the PRC authorities.


Saratov, gathered masses of people to issue passes for movement around the city in one day

A pass is a piece of paper with a stamp on the applicant's written request.

Ministry of Health a day earlier: viral infection can be transmitted through surfaces of materials, if I am not mistaken, metal and polished surfaces up to 3 days, paper in the area of a day, in the air of a room the virus can stay about 3 hours after the carrier is in that room

Igor Makanu:

Saratov, gathered masses of people to issue passes for movement around the city in one day

A pass is a piece of paper with a stamp on the applicant's written request.

Ministry of Health a day earlier: viral infection can be transmitted through surfaces of materials, if I am not mistaken, metal and polished surfaces up to 3 days, paper surfaces around a day, in the air of a room the virus can stay around 3 hours after the carrier is in that room

it is related to the question "why in 35-38 up to 20 %of administration officers went to camps" :-) that's why .... :-)

Igor Makanu:

That's cool. It's a good way to get infected.

You leave the house, there don't seem to be many people outside. You go into a shop, it's like New Year's Eve.

No matter what time you go in, there's always lines and crowds. Tried the field at 10:00, 9:00.


In Tatarstan, permits for moving around the city are obtained electronically via SMS (for a day), and a special pass for work is given directly at the enterprises. Around the neighbourhood (shops, walking, dog walking) - no restrictions. They only ask for self-restriction.

Maybe that's why in Tatarstan the incidence is 10 times lower than the Russian average.

Для электромобилей создали батарею, которая не убивается
Для электромобилей создали батарею, которая не убивается
Китайский автогигант BYD давно выпускает электромобили, но на этот раз он "копнул глубже". Компания создала для розеточных авто батарею, которая отличается колоссальной безопасностью и обладает высокой плотностью энергии. Разработка получила название Blade Battery, она относится к классу литиево-железофосфатных акумулятров (LFP). Особенность...

no politics, although the official photo is of the president of Turkmenistan...

attention question: how many horses are in the picture?