Interesting and Humour - page 4650

Михаил Шерстнёв:

My grandmother used to tell me:

My mother told me of love's deceitfulness,
♪ but she wasted her words ♪
I covered my ears, I didn't listen to her,
Oh, Mama,Mama, you were right...

Мама (казачий романс)
Мама (казачий романс)
Много лет звучит на застольях казачий романс «Мама», текст которого пронизан искренней благодарностью, нежностью и любовью к женщине, подарившей жизнь и бесконечную заботу. И хочется верить, что застольное исполнение этих прекрасных строк о маме будет продолжаться вечно в знак благодарности за материнскую заботу, бессонные ночи, тревоги, любовь...
My grandmother used to tell me - never go into the dark and shout WHO'S THERE. Shoot straight away, reload, and shoot again.
Edgar Akhmadeev:
My grandmother told me - never go into the dark and shout WHO'S THERE. Shoot straight away, reload, and shoot again.

A grenade is better thrown first.

Edgar Akhmadeev:
My grandmother used to tell me - never go into the dark and shout WHO'S THERE. Shoot straight away, reload, and shoot again.

Naturally - because your parents might be there...

This joke reminds me of Hollywood horror movies, where people go out of their cosy house into the night forest to find out what all the noise is about. It makes me think of Zadornov.
the great grandmother's advice sounds like an example to the preceding discussion of schizophrenia...
Igor Zakharov:
The great grandmother's advice sounds like an example to the preceding discussion of schizophrenia...

Some will find this post useful and some will find it silly. We are all at level 0 and judge from our own point of view.

Igor Zakharov:
Grandma's advice sounds like an example to the preceding discussion of schizophrenia...

The post about Kezzin was mine, and I've taken my grandmother's stories into my piggy bank.

What to do? Doctor, is this treatable?


Continuing to educate ourselves about viruses. Went to Wikipedia to read what a virus is, and at the end of it... well, enjoy:

"... In cinematography.

An outbreak of an unusual viral infection underlies the plot of the following feature films and TV series[275]:


Here he points out the clear link between genius and madness:

I am too crazy not to be a genius. (A. Einstein)

there's no connection between madness and genius.

no human being can come up with something for people that others do not understand

crazy people we don't understand, so they're not where we are.

the genius we have embraced continues to live with us until more brilliant working ideas on the same subject emerge