Interesting and Humour - page 4629


When they come to troll, at first you wonder why people are happy to describe how Russia is lagging behind. Then you look at their profiles, and everything falls into place.

You can see that Andrey Dik is on the subject, and you don't need to look at his profile.


No, they didn't write about combines.

Show Boston Dynamics robot-dog map

Maybe you should have looked carefully at what was posted at the beginning of this hype, one or two pages ago? That's where the map was.

Edgar Akhmadeev:

When they come to troll, at first you wonder why people are happy to describe how Russia is lagging behind. Then you look at their profiles, and everything falls into place.

You can see that Andrey Dik is on the subject, and you don't need to look at his profile.

Only you and Dik have written here about Russia.

In fact the issue here is technology.

There are no technologies that ensure the safe movement of drones in autonomous mode using only cameras and tracking.

And some childish attacks on DD by total amateurs - have you even read the biography of the person who was talking about DD on the video? What does he have to do with robotics anyway? He's not even an engineer.

Edgar Akhmadeev:

I searched the net a little, not to prove a point to the trolls, but to be interested in the subject myself.

Why the trolls? I'm interested in the subject too and you made a statement that made my eyes pop out.

Bottom line:

all technologies use a whole range of sensors, all have lidars and (stereo) cameras, then there is anything else, up to and including 3D (4D) constructions.

There are autopilot projects in Russia (no one argued with that) - c-pilot is fine, but the main vector is not yet the same; Yandex is still raw, but with a large fleet of bots it could break through

By the way, Musk announced level 5 autonomous cars in 2020.


You and the dick are the only ones who have written about Russia.

It is really a question of technology.

There is no technology today that ensures the safe movement of drones in autonomous mode by camera and tracking alone.

Well, and some childish attacks on the DB.

Yandex drones have safely driven hundreds of kilometres on their own across Russia, Europe and America. They have sensors on them, they are completely optional (according to the developers), but you persist in clinging to them. European autopilots also have them, and play a major role, but it does not help them (see A. Dik videos?).

I don't remember any childish attacks on BD. On the contrary, very much praised (and a month ago, in the first wave of the topic, and now) for the high mechanical technology, which we do not. But with AI they and Tesla with the rest, alas... By the way, the AI experts write that even in robotic Japan they know how to make mostly spectacular robots, not efficient ones. In our country, they are somehow weak in effectivity, beauty, advertising and marketing, which is why people do not know what is really being made here and hype Tesla and others.

All right, settle down and hug it out. I don't see the point in dwelling on it any longer.
Edgar Akhmadeev:

The Yandex drone has safely driven hundreds of kilometres across Russia, Europe and America on its own. They have sensors on them, they are completely optional (according to the developers), but you persist in clinging to them. European autopilots also have them, and play a major role, but it does not help them (see A. Dik videos?).

I don't remember any childish attacks on BD. On the contrary, very much praised (and a month ago, in the first wave of the topic, and now) for the high mechanical technology, which we do not. But with AI they and Tesla with the rest, alas... By the way, the AI experts write that even in robotic Japan they know how to make mostly spectacular robots, not efficient ones. In our country, the effects, beauty, advertising and marketing are somehow weak, hence people do not know what we are actually making, and are hype about Tesla and others.

How is the effectiveness of such robots measured?


The discussion is reminiscent of an anecdote:

Brezhnev summons the cosmonauts to his Kremlin and says:
- "The Americans have sent their boys to the moon. The Soviet Union must not
"so you, comrade Soviet cosmonauts, will go to the Sun.
the sun."
- "Leonid Ilyich, it's hot there, we'll burn up..."
- "Do you think we here in the Central Committee are complete idiots?! Fly at night!"

A husband and wife are driving in a car. They come to a crossroads. The husband says to his wife:
- See if there are any cars on the right?
- No.
They keep driving. Suddenly, there's a terrible bang on the right, a car in the meat, and the half-alive husband says to his wife:
- You said there were no cars there.
- It's a tram.

How is the effectiveness of such robots measured?

For example, how many products the manufacturer has managed to sell or put into production. Japanese cool robots shine in the news, but who buys them? Russian AI systems for harvesters are bought in western and eastern Europe, promobots by the hundreds and to America, medical robots to Japan, Uranium-9 combat robots on the verge of series (it's not a question of readiness but funding/budgeting, samples have been in the army for several years), and so on. This is just what I know, and I don't consider myself "in the loop". I am interested in the subject, I watch and read a lot, and I live in a city where all this is being developed and tested or built, and not only that, but also for example REB facilities, TU-160 White Swan aircraft (and next year PAK DA), helicopters, small missile boats (one of which was involved in launching missiles at ISIS* through half a globe), optics, etc. Where "fibre to the house" internet is available even in a small village from $3/month, 4G mobile internet even in the woods, from $3.5/month for 6-8GB or even unlimited, one op even with the ability to give away for free. Why shouldn't I be proud?

*Organisation banned in RF