Interesting and Humour - page 4565


The first-grade teacher was having difficulty with one of her students. She asked:
- What's the matter with you, boy?
The boy replied:
- I'm too smart for first grade. My sister is in third grade and I'm smarter than her! I think I should be in third too!
That was too much for the teacher. She took the boy to the principal and explained the whole situation. The principal thought about it and told the boy:
- I'll give you a test and if you can't answer any of the questions, you'll go back to first grade and behave yourself.
The boy agreed.
- What is 3 x 3?
- 9
- What is 6 x 6?
- 36
And so it was with every question to which the headmaster thought the third grader should know the answer.

Then the headmaster turned to the teacher and said:
- I think the boy can go to the third grade.
Then the teacher replied:
- 'I have my own questions too: "What does a cow have in number 4 and I only have 2?"
The boy, after a pause, replied:
- Legs.
- And what do your trousers have that mine don't?
- Pockets.
- What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three paws?
Now the headmaster's eyes actually bulged wide, but before he could say anything, the boy answered:
- Handshake.
- Which word in English begins with F and ends with K and means a lot of heat and excitement?
- Firetruck.
- Which word starts with an F and ends with a K? If it doesn't, do you have to work with your hands?
- Fork.
- All men have it, some have it longer, some have it shorter. Does a man give it to his wife after he's married?
- Surname.
- Which organ has no bones, has muscles and lots of veins. It pulsates and is responsible for making love?
- The heart.
The principal exhaled with relief and told the teacher:
- Send him to the Academy! I answered the last seven questions wrong myself.


The return of sobering up, fine.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

The return of sobering up, great.

It's not like they're still going to charge for them.


Another way of honestly taking money from the public. "There's no money", which is a great way to supplement the budget.

Zhenya watch the film if you haven't seen it.

The hero of the film also paid for a return to the past :)))

Evgeny Belyaev:

I think they're still going to be paid for.


And think about it, expensive high-end private detention facilities will be opened, where they will offer girls and blow-dry in the morning.

And how cool will it be to put the "right people" in a sobering-up shop, wheelchair in the street, pour cheap booze on them and immediately get sobered up.

Just back in Soviet times, there was a case. One lady wanted to get a flat, and all honestly, and she was first in line, but they wanted to give a flat to the director's driver. They put her in a police van, twisted her up, poured vodka in her mouth and took her to forensics, drove her back and forth in a report, everything was in accordance with the law, then they gave her a job reference so she was an alcoholic and threw her out of the housing queue. A real case, I just knew her.

And the sobering up was not free back then, 12.50 I think it cost.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
And the sobering up was not free back then, 12.50 I think it cost a fortune.

Yeah? I didn't know - I thought it was a free service.

The sober lifestyle was difficult at weddings and birthday parties. Sitting sober among drunk people was peculiar but educational.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Yeah? I didn't know. I thought it was a free service.

I was sober, it was hard at weddings, birthdays. Sitting sober among the drunks, peculiar but informative.

And everyone's like, "are you sick?"


The happiest country in the world.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And everyone asks "are you sick?"

:))) Yes, they ask all the time.

However, I have been on sick leave three times in 36 years of work experience.