Interesting and Humour - page 4546

Alexey Volchanskiy:

It was a different universe back then and I was young and reckless )) But it's interesting now too, it's just that my interests have changed.


Alexey Volchanskiy:

It was a different universe back then and I was young and reckless )) But it's interesting now too, it's just that my interests have become different.


Some dull shit again - when will you be back in public with posts discussing trading conditions and stuff on your scalpers?


dancing, sex and guns in the 80s


Happy Holidays, comrades!


His face speaks for itself - the cat was given an IV after a night with five cats.

The owner of a cat called Xiaopi from China's Guangdong province had to put his pet on a glucose drip after spending the night in a pet hotel.
When leaving the cat at the hotel, its owner warned the staff that the cat was not neutered. Despite this, during the night the cat hotel staff let all the occupants out of their 'rooms' and went home himself.
CCTV footage showed that Xiaopi managed to get intimate with five cats in about six hours.
"And that's just the ones that were caught on camera," complained the distraught owner of the tailed donjouan.

Found a website(this one) - detailed rhymes to words.
The rhymes found for the word "enticement" (based onthis thread-voter) are

nuzdushka, nuzdushka, zakidushka, sivodushka, pogodushka, volodushka, molodushka. nuzdushka, rudushka, siushka, kvakushka, frog-quakushka, macushka, rakuushka, chekushka, kokushka, kakushka, high-talker, potasushka, kukushka, blabeshka. bum, rotlushka, polushka, teplushka, karlushka...

I used to compose poems at school, but now I can't think of any...
Словарь рифм
Словарь рифм
Поэтический словарь рифм поможет вам найти рифму практически к любому слову, или придумать не просто рифму, а новый сюжетный ход на основе неожиданно предложенных словесных вариантов. В словаре рифм содержится более 1 650 000 слов и буквосочетаний, иногда самых неожиданных и...
Sergey Golubev:
Found a website(this one) - detailed rhymes to words.
Rhymes found to the word "lure" (based on this thread-voting) -

nudushka, nudushka, zakidushka, sivodushka, pogodushka, volodushka, molodushka. nudushka, rudushka, siushka, kvakushka, frog-quakushka, macushka, rakuushka, chekushka, kokushka, kakushka, high-talker, potaskushka, kukushka, pobedushka. trinket, rotten, polushka. teplushka, karlushka...

I used to compose poems at school, but now I can't think of any...

on the forum.

everyone is discussing with a flame:

how to use OOP -

it's not about dill soup,

how to copy an array -

it's filled in beautifully,

how to colour the buffer

♪ to make it look like a flowerbed in summer ♪

everybody talks with a lightning bolt,

And if they do, they talk about it in a blink of an eye.


Sergey Golubev:
Found a website(this one) - detailed rhymes to words.
The rhymes found for the word "enticement" (based on this thread-voter) are

nuzdushka, nuzdushka, zakidushka, sivodushka, pogodushka, volodushka, molodushka. nuzdushka, rudushka, siushka, kvakushka, frog-quakushka, macushka, rakuushka, chekushka, kokushka, kakushka, high-talker, potasushka, kukushka, blabeshka. bum, rotlushka, half-talker. teplushka, karlushka ...

I used to make up poems at school, but now I can't think of any...

I'm really wondering what idiot came up with those words I highlighted?

Alexey Viktorov:

I really wonder what idiot came up with those words I highlighted?

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal

Are you sure? Here's a link to check

Толковый словарь Даля онлайн
Толковый словарь живaго великорусского языка, Словарь Даля — один из наиболее значимых толковых словарей русского языка. Он был создан Далем Владимиром Ивановичем в середине позапрошлого века. Словарь включает порядка двух сотен тысяч слов и тридцати тысяч поговорок, пословиц, присловий и загадок, которые служат для объяснения значения слов...