Interesting and Humour - page 4474

Alexey Viktorov:

I lost my balance on Monday... An unpleasant sensation, I dare say.

If the previous points (see, feel, etc.) were omitted and it all started immediately with a loss of balance, then really no good.

Igor Makanu:

.... But as always, blue duct tape solves everything ))))

Roskachestvo recommends taping the cameras and microphones on laptops

Read more on RBC:

The experts at Roskatchestvo's Center for Digital Expertise have issued recommendations on "digital hygiene" (available from RBC) for those who use devices with access to the Internet.


Roskatchestvo experts have advised to use a piece of opaque tape or duct tape to seal the camera. Also, they pointed out, special curtains that fasten to a laptop's camera are now in demand.

I think blue duct tape is needed again!

Aleksandr Klapatyuk:

What assholes, they opened the kitchen :(

Alexey Volchanskiy:

The main thing is to get out of a binge. You can't quit abruptly, there's a chance of girlfriends coming in with tails, that's what my drug therapist friend told me. You can't quit abruptly, there's a chance of your girlfriends coming back.

He said that we often put some alcohol in the IV when the patient is delirious and it helps. An ex-girlfriend of mine had a man who got drunk after she left, and he drank until it was over. And there was shaking, insomnia for four days, then the devils came out of his sockets. Called a narc, they pumped him out, but the first thing they did was give him 30 grams of diluted. And to the clinic.

For glitches, it was enough to stay awake for three days, but the devils seemed to work on alcohol. By the way, after the devils appear and behave badly, the main devil appears and you can have a heart-to-heart talk with him. But he will agitate to give up the booze, they probably have enough bruises and they don't need the influx of fresh ones.


Here's a match))).



each one with his own funtan!

Yuriy Zaytsev:


each one with his own funtan!

Well, if it's Eagle Eye, Fish Head... ...or "Tushy Tail"...
what's more interesting, blue duct tape?
Igor Makanu:

Also from the world of music, quite informative! .... but as always the blue duct tape solves everything)))

As a young man who used to play guitars and drums in a local rock band, I can responsibly say that the tube should not be inserted into the mouth, but into a different hole. The effects are amazing!

Aleksei Mikhanoshin:

And how many died before the shop opened...(.

And often there were very decent people, but with a 'sickness of the soul'. Man, this is a humour thread.

Son says to his father:

- Dad, they said on TV that vodka's getting more expensive. Does that mean you'll drink less?

- No, son, it means you'll eat less.

A young friend of mine went from being an occasional beer drinker with me to a full on binge drinker in 20 years. Drinking bouts of a week to a month and a half until he runs out of money. He was always in the state narcological clinic for a fortnight at a time, for free if he agreed to be registered. If he is not registered, he has to pay for it. He's registered, of course.

He said there's no one there, from bruisers to professors and entertainers. The cinch is a volley of fire, like a Grad.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

As someone who played guitars and drums in a local rock band in his youth, I can responsibly say that the tube should not be inserted into your mouth, but into a different hole. The effects are amazing!

)) A good test on the basics of human anatomy