Interesting and Humour - page 4469


for activists...


I didn't think so !


In ancient Rome, the main force of the state was the army. All Roman citizens served in that army.

If you don't serve or work forthe army of Rome, you are not a Roman citizen and not a Roman, respectively .

That is the whole system of the Roman state.

The Roman army, in turn, consisted of legions, legions of cohorts, cohorts of centurions, centurions of manipuli.

Hence the concept of ! A legion consisted of 5 cohorts, a cohort of 10 centurions, a centuria of 10 manipuli, a manipula of 10 legionaries.

From this we can calculate the numerical composition of the legion to be 5,000 warriors. The warriors within the legion were divided into beginners, trained, experienced, veterans and the elite.

Beginners usually chose first cohort, second cohort had soldiers who had already fought in a battle and third cohort had soldiers who had fought in several battles,

the fourth cohort fought warriors who had fought in several battles, the fourth cohort fought warriors who had fought whole campaigns under their belt. And finally, the fifth cohort, or, in other words,

"the invincible cohort" or "the last thousand".

This cohort consisted of the most experienced warriors, warriors who had not only campaigns, but whole wars under their belt, and this cohort joined the battle

at the most decisive moment of battle, and it was they who decided the outcome of the battle.

This cohort never retreated without orders - it defeated the enemy or died! That's why it was called "invincible",

because it couldn't be defeated. It could only be destroyed.

And destroying the last cohort of the legion, the enemy destroyed the whole legion, because the backbone of the legion was those warriors,

who were the guardians of the legion's eagle. So, it was the soldiers of the last cohort of the legion that were called intellectuals in ancient Rome.

Why were these soldiers called intellectuals, i.e. "understanding"?

Very simply. They did not need to explain to them, they knew themselves what to do and when to do it.

They did not need to be told how to form a turtle; they did not need to be told when to raise the shield and when not; they did not need to be told

how to open the line and how to close it, they didn't have to explain when they had to reach for the gladius and when they had to work with the pickaxe.

These soldiers knew everything, understood everything, and that is why they were called intelligent.

And it was in these warriors that Rome's crushing power lay. They made up the Praetorian Guard and the cohorts of the Senate.

The patricians, senators, tribunes, censors, praetors, etc. were honoured to be intellectuals, i.e. warriors of the last cohort.

To be a soldier of the last cohort means to be a professional of the highest calibre, to be worthy of

to fight alongside the best men in Rome and it means to be a representative of the best men in Rome.

Intellectuals are the backbone of the Roman Empire. Intellectuals are the skeleton of Roman society. Intellectuals are what Rome stood on

Vasiliy Vilkov:
Denis Sartakov:

didn't think so !

Great, very informative!

Denis Sartakov:


And all the citizens of Rome served in this army.


In ancient Rome there was a very short period of conscription. Everyone quickly realised that it was inefficient and the army became a mercenary army.

Yuliya Vinnitskaya:

Supporting the slipper theme)

There are such animals: rabbits. Rabbits reproduce uncontrollably, after which they devour all the vegetation in their habitat and starve to death. Humans, characteristically, due to the nuances of the capitalist economy, behave about the same way. Only they have a longer life span.
In general, economics must be economical. This shows the deep wisdom of traditional society, even if it is progressive.

This is not the end of the reflection, but continues in a later, more "practical" post).


Drug submarines, Carl


A European face and customs does not mean you are not Chinese.
At least, that's what the Chinese think.


There was a beautiful dog here. Accidentally deleted...