Interesting and Humour - page 4464



- Man, I don't know how to live! The woman I love left me!

- Yes, it really is a great tragedy, there was only one woman on earth, and she left you. But you're about to have an epiphany.

- Why is it one? There are 4 billion more women on Earth! - You see, the epiphany is here. Now all that's left is to choose the right woman.


I'm one of those people who has a chair for a coat rack, a bag of bags, pans in the oven, medicine in the fridge, and a can of coffee and nails...


PositiF !


From a conversation between a five-year-old son and his dad.

- Daddy, is it bad for you to smoke?

- Yes, son, it is.

- Do you smoke?

- I do.

- Daddy, are you stupid?


The Bank of Russia has left in place restrictions for Russians who gamble on the stock market and have no special qualifications.

Россиянам осложнят доступ к дополнительному доходу
Россиянам осложнят доступ к дополнительному доходу
  • 2019.07.20
  • Алексей Куденко / РИА «Новости»
Банк России оставил в силе ограничения для россиян, играющих на бирже и не имеющих специальной квалификации. Об этом сообщает принадлежащее Григорию Березкину РБК со ссылкой на последнюю версию поправок ко второму чтению законопроекта о категориях инвесторов. В версии документа, принятой в первом чтении, содержался пункт о том, что россиянам не...
An intellectual tries to squeeze past a big-bodied gopnik.
- Excuse me, excuse me, may I pass...
- What, an intellectual?
- No, no, a boor like you...


I approve !

Victor Ziborov:
An intellectual tries to squeeze past a big-bodied gopnik.
- Excuse me, excuse me, can we pass ...
- Shaw, intellectual?
- No, no, just a boor like you...

Psychologically, it's like a Soviet joke.

A man on the bus decided to cheer up his random neighbour and said: "Have you heard the difference between a policeman and a sheep?"

And the guy turns to him and the guy sees that he is a cop and says with a sagging face: "Well, how?

The man is terrified and replies in a trembling voice: "No, nothing, practically nothing..."
