Interesting and Humour - page 4336


Dmitry Fedoseev:

Yeah, I remember a case in point.

a guy was doing his PhD and gave me one of the chapters he thought was basic.

chapter that he thought was basic. It was a big, cumbersome formula,

and the result of calculating it was 1, and then the whole thing was based on that fact.

and then the whole thing was based on that fact. I went through the formula and got the result 0/0,

I showed it to him, he said - that's right ! 0/0 = 1. So I opened up this uncertainty and got

some constant over 100, of course that value ruined all his basic principles,

he said I didn't understand anything, and three months later he got his PhD.


- Look," Pharaoh said to the priests, "down below long lines of chained slaves are carried one stone at a time. They are guarded by many soldiers. The more slaves the better for the state - that is what we have always believed. But the more slaves there are, the more we have to fear their rebellion. We strengthen the guards. We have to feed our slaves well, otherwise they won't be able to do hard physical work. But they're still lazy and prone to rebellion...

- See how slowly they move, and lazy guards don't chase them with whips or beat them, even healthy and strong slaves. But they will move much faster. They will not need guards. The guards will also become slaves. The way to accomplish such a thing is this. Tonight, before sunset, have heralds issue Pharaoh's decree that says, "At the dawn of a new day, all slaves will be granted complete freedom. For every stone delivered to the city, a free man will receive one coin. The coins can be exchanged for food, clothing, lodgings, a palace in the city and the city itself. From now on you are free men". ... The next morning the priests and Pharaoh went up again to the artificial mountain. The picture they could not get enough of was astonishing. Thousands of people, former slaves, were dragging the same stones in a race. Sweating, many carried two stones at a time. Others, who had one each, ran, kicking up dust. Some guards dragged stones too. People who thought they were free - after all, they had been stripped of their shackles - were eager to get as many of the coveted coins as they could to build their happy lives.

Kratius spent another few months on his pad, watching with satisfaction what was happening below.

And the changes were enormous. Some of the slaves had banded together in small groups, built carts and, loaded to the top with stones, pouring sweat on them, pushed these carts. "They'll invent many more gadgets," Kratius thought to himself with satisfaction, "they've already got services in-house: water and food carriers... Soon they'll choose their own bosses, their own judges. Let them choose: they consider themselves free, but the essence has not changed, they are still dragging stones.
Vitaly Murlenko:

- Behold," said Pharaoh to the priests, "down below long lines of chained slaves are carried one stone at a time. They are guarded by many soldiers. The more slaves the better for the state - that is what we have always believed. But the more slaves there are, the more we have to fear their rebellion. We strengthen the guards. We have to feed our slaves well, otherwise they won't be able to do hard physical work. But they're still lazy and prone to rebellion...

- See how slowly they move, and lazy guards don't flog or beat them, even healthy and strong slaves. But they will move much faster. They will not need guards. The guards will also become slaves. The way to accomplish such a thing is this. Tonight, before sunset, have heralds issue Pharaoh's decree that says, "At the dawn of a new day, all slaves will be granted complete freedom. For every stone delivered to the city, a free man will receive one coin. The coins can be exchanged for food, clothing, lodgings, a palace in the city and the city itself. From now on you are free men". ... The next morning the priests and Pharaoh went up again to the artificial mountain. The picture they could not get enough of was astonishing. Thousands of people, former slaves, were dragging the same stones in a race. Sweating, many carried two stones at a time. Others, who had one each, ran, kicking up dust. Some guards dragged stones too. People who thought they were free - after all, they had been stripped of their shackles - were eager to get as many of the coveted coins as they could to build their happy lives.

Kratius spent another few months on his pad, watching with satisfaction what was happening below.

And the changes were enormous. Some of the slaves had banded together in small groups, built carts and, loaded to the top with stones, pouring sweat on them, pushed these carts. "They'll invent many more gadgets," Kratius thought to himself with satisfaction, "they've already got services in-house: water and food carriers... Soon they'll choose their own bosses, their own judges. Let them choose: they consider themselves free, but the essence has not changed, they are still dragging stones.

Relevant at all times. For ever and ever and ever)


just like that. good rope - you'll love it!



Hi Ilon

Buffet menu 1971

Denis Sartakov:

1971 buffet menu.

Something expensive, this must be the menu from the III belt