Interesting and Humour - page 4325

Isn't it time to get my cat involved in trading? Why is he living at my place for free?
Британский кот обогнал аналитиков по точности финансовых прогнозов
Британский кот обогнал аналитиков по точности финансовых прогнозов
  • 2013.01.15
  • Редакция
Рыжий британский кот по кличке Орландо по итогам 2012 года получил самую большую прибыль по своим "инвестициям" в акции крупных компаний, входящих в индекс FTSE All-Share. Как пишет газета The Guardian, по точности своих инвестиционных "прогнозов" Орландо опередил команду профессиональных аналитиков и студентов из академии John Warner. В начале...
Alexandr Saprykin:

Where's Igor?)

That's a pretty steep price tag...... looks like it's more profitable to trade souvenirs than forex, heh


That's a pretty steep price tag...... looks like it's more profitable to trade souvenirs than forex, heh

And hardcore marketing experts say that it's more profitable to trade in everyday goods that should be thrown away after use. :)


The price tag is kind of immodest...... seems to be more profitable than forex, heh

My spouse used to run a gift shop before she moved to another city. It was a pretty good profit. With such a hefty markup.


I thought alcohol was bad for me... So I just stopped thinking.

Artyom Trishkin:


in an altered state of consciousness I also listen to Igor or

depending on where the consciousness is altered to...

PS/ they're really cool, even reminded me of a well-forgotten German language from the 90s

PPS/ and it's obviously not "berliner" :-)

PPS/ searching for "German women singing" produces stunning results :-) and you'd think it would be a cultured nation...
Artyom Trishkin:


Renat Akhtyamov:

More goodness to your chat room :-) (max volume recommended :-) you'll find out who could sing it, but not like that and about other things )

Nathalie Cardone Comandante Che Guevara Hasta Siempre
Nathalie Cardone Comandante Che Guevara Hasta Siempre
  • 2006.11.26
Comandante Che Guevara Hasta Siempre Nathalie Cardone