Interesting and Humour - page 4259


A little backstory.

There were three of us friends in my student days in the Soviet Union -

  • Oleg, a Ukrainian (have you ever seen young people in Russian cities in the Soviet Union, sitting in a tram, reading books in Ukrainian? There, that was Oleg).
  • Andrei. He was Jewish, he would say - "you have no right to tell jokes about Jews!". We asked - "Why?". The answer was, "Because you're not Jewish. I'm the Jew." And he told such good jokes... he was the life of the party.
  • And me, a Russian.


Our time.
I am, as always at the weekend - listening to my favourite Chinese music and someone clicked on Complaint on this post... and I was reading the post ... and I read the word"multilot" the third time ...


This reminds me of a recent time when I was walking with a fellow Irishman in the evening in Geneva, went into a Greek restaurant, and I asked him: "How do you hear Russian? I, for example, do not understand German, but I can always tell that it is spoken in German, and it gives me different associations. How is Russian to you?"

He answered me that he didn't understand Russian at all, but there were cool words like "molo-ko-zavod" - did they mean anything? He said that such words were cool.


That's what I remembered when I didn't get the word"molo-ko-zavodnom".


I apologize for the lyrics.

I can't wait for Monday.
Alexandr Saprykin:

Trade on the crypto market, there are no weekends =)


The question, do you have google banned, doesn't seem idiotic anymore.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

The question, do you have google banned, doesn't seem idiotic anymore.

What kind of joke is that? Yesterday I helped a relative to send her nephew a small amount of money (a lot less than 5000 rubles) from her mobile phone to a neighbouring region. So she got her mobile bank blocked. The bank probably needs no introduction. Now she's thinking about where to put her pittance, so that she can think of it as her own.

Mobile services are supposed to be a convenience, we're here to check. Why open a mobile bank at all? You go somewhere and you'll be stuck there.

But the frequency of outrage at the circumstances in the country has already made it possible to develop an immunity that has allowed us to move from anger at what is happening (after all, it is clear what and where it comes from) to deciding what to do about it and how to get around it.


Humour of the day - made a Grail bot, m it brought me 4$ profit in 4 hours 😂😂😂
Alexander Ivanov:

Humour of the day - made a Grail bot, m it brought me $4 profit in 4 hours 😂😂😂

It's all right what, a quid an hour, wages like in Colombia.

Cheerio, it's less in Russia.

Минимальная почасовая заработная плата в разных странах мира
Минимальная почасовая заработная плата в разных странах мира
  • 2016.05.15
  • InfoManiya
1. Китай 8 юаней в час – $1,4 USD В Китае единой общенациональной ставки МРОТ не существует. Минимальный размер почасовой оплаты устанавливается в зависимости от провинции и экономической зоны. Самый скромный показатель — в северо-восточной провинции Хэйлунцзян на границе с Россией (8 юаней). А, к примеру, в Шанхае он в два с лишним раза выше и...

It's all right, a quid an hour, the wages are like in Colombia.

Cheerio, less in Russia.

That's what it is.)

Mercedes-Benz, до 1960
Mercedes-Benz, до 1960
Mercedes-Benz Другая до 1960 95000 км седан чёрный 2.3 л механика 4 бензин задний левый не битый 1 WDB11111*11****11 90 л.с.