Interesting and Humour - page 4251

СанСаныч Фоменко:

What a representative sample, which allows you to see how different people can be:

  • some are proud and emphasize their kinship with the Rurikids.
  • Some are proud of their peasant lineage, which they will never give up in favour of aristocratic one
  • someone is proud of his developments and will not give the authorship to anyone
  • for some, the meaning of life is in the cv
  • and some just try to hide behind the foreign word "nickname", which means "nickname".

Why so much negativity? Maybe there are other meanings of the word?

Nickname, also a nickname, is a pseudonym a user uses on the Internet, usually in places of communication (blogs, forums, chat rooms). Account. A nickname. A nickname (here also a description of many related phenomena)
СанСаныч Фоменко:

What a representative sample, which allows you to see how different people can be:

  • some are proud and emphasise their kinship with the Rurikids in every way.
  • Some are proud of their peasant lineage, which they will never give up in favour of aristocratic one
  • someone is proud of his developments and will not give the authorship to anyone
  • for some, the meaning of life is in the cv
  • and someone is just trying to hide behind a foreign word "nickname" which means "nickname".

As usual, it's a bit far-fetched and confusing...

Sergey Golubev:

The fact that there are newcomers in English, and they are all "qualitatively different" (and coming in droves) - I've already reported here.
And I also posted here one of their questions here in a branch ("What are terminals?") - may be the most innocent one.

But now one guy has created a branch(this one) and he is asking - what to do with the zip-file I have sent him - I've been told that it's an indicator for MT4.
Should I tell him about MetaEditor? He does not know the word ... I hope he knows the word "chart"... Or maybe he doesn't...

But another example - they ask how you can make a deposit or withdrawal from a demo account (a branch here) ...
Probably just does not know that you can reopen a demo account anyone ... Or maybe he does not know anything ...

There are many examples of this and it is not a joke.

1) In short, you write articles here, discuss technical issues, but there are a lot of people coming to us (a lot of them), who will have to spend a long time explaining the basics ...
and then they all go to freelance customers ... everyone will come to you


I apologize for this post, but when you realize that people are not joking ... and you see that 2) there 's a lot of them every day and more and more...
And sometimes you just don't know how to answer a very simple question ...

Thank you. This is very useful information for developers. So everything should be explained in great detail - down to the basics - in product descriptions.

Artyom Trishkin:

Can we talk about love?

Aleksey Ivanov:

Thank you. It's very useful information for developers. So everything should be explained in great detail - down to the basics - in product descriptions.

There's more to it (why this should be seen as a serious issue).

  • For example, in the English part of the forum, a newcomer asks a question (neither in substance, nor in words, nor in terms - wrong).
  • And he is answered in a thread by someone like him.

Here the forum regulars (let's call them professionals) - can intervene on some page of the thread, and they will be listened to and believed (seeing their profile background, etc.).

But the culmination of this process is when the newbies start coding. And it is, pardon the crude joke - a closed cycle, like the water cycle in nature (only without filters sorry).
Such a "cycle" (i.e. - already the culmination of this process) was on tsd forum ...
Of course, many novice coders through free coding for beginners managed to get a name and credibility (and practice), many are now experienced and well-known coders and have products here in the Market (and I know and remember many in the ango part) ... but before they were just students at their universities in their countries ... and no one helped them or explained them about anything (coding etc).

The threads to help newbies are expensive, and if they are not there, we'll end up the same way as many third party forums ended up...

There are some good threads in the Russian part, for example.

In the English part, there are many threads, for traders and beginners in programming.
In the German part of the forum, there are also such threads.

That is, if you don't help newbies - they will simply forget ... That is, if you do not help newbies, they will simply be forgotten ... Because newbies come and go, and only the old-timers know 'who is who'.


For example, I arrive at the bathhouse at 9:50 in the morning. I say, "Who do I give the money to?
People ask - "who are you? why don't you want to stand in line like everyone else in the men's sauna, and get in line? why do you want to join us, who are not in line? we are our own bunch..."

Somebody from that crowd says, "he's a friend, he's not a pensioner, but he's a friend, he goes sometimes on Saturdays, we know him."
And they take 400 rubles from me, and I pass by a reception of a bathhouse without being delayed straight to a locker - because their lockers are few (and the one who collected money - pays for all). And everyone says to me, 'Hi, Seryoga,' even though, to be honest, I can't even remember their names.

And if no one knows me and has never seen, then I'll stand in line at the reception, give the same 400 rubles, and go to the sauna, and then take another turn at the locker ...
And no one will care that I have a lot of groceries at Market and that I've been going to this bathhouse for years on this forum since the early 1980s ...

Sergey Golubev:

For example, I arrive at the bathhouse at 9:50 in the morning. I say, "Who do I give the money to?
People ask - "who are you? why don't you want to stand in line like everyone else in the men's sauna, and get in line? why do you want to join us, who are not in line? we are our own bunch..."

Somebody from that crowd says, "he's a friend, he's not a pensioner, but he's a friend, he goes sometimes on Saturdays, we know him."
And they take 400 rubles from me, and I pass by a reception of a bathhouse without being delayed straight to a locker - because their lockers are few (and the one who collected money - pays for all). And everyone says to me, 'Hi, Seryoga,' even though, to be honest, I don't even remember how to call them all.

And if no one knows me and has never seen, then I'll stand in line at the reception, give the same 400 rubles, and go to the sauna, and then take another turn at the locker ...
And no one will care that I have a lot of groceries at Market and that I've been going to this bathhouse for years on this forum since the early 1980s ...

Artistic, but lucid explanation. Something to think about.
Sergey Golubev:

For example, I come to the bathhouse at 9:50 in the morning. I say, "Who do I give the money to?
People ask - "who are you? why don't you want to stand in line like everyone else in the men's sauna, and get in line? why do you want to join us who are not in line? we are a friendly bunch..."

Somebody from that crowd says, "he's a friend, he's not a pensioner, but he's a friend, he goes sometimes on Saturdays, we know him."
And they take 400 rubles from me, and I pass by a reception of a bathhouse without being delayed straight to a locker - because their lockers are few (and the one who collected money - pays for all). And everyone says to me, 'Hi, Seryoga,' even though, to be honest, I can't even remember their names.

And if no one knows me and has never seen, then I'll stand in line at the reception, give the same 400 rubles, and go to the sauna, and then take another turn at the locker ...
And no one will care that I have a lot of groceries at Market and that I've been going to this bathhouse for years on this forum since the early 1980s ...

What does the market have to do with it?

Алексей Тарабанов:

What does the market have to do with it?

It's me continuing my "song" here, that you have to help newcomers all the time, and if you don't, they'll forget.

For example, many people still remember Mladen and Kalenzo (and many others) ... And they will buy everything from them, because they are a name that everyone knows and remembers (they have helped many newbies). And there are signallers like that (in ang) ... I don't know them, I know their trading systems, and they trade on their free systems (indicators and Expert Advisors) and as their fans - make sure they subscribe to their signals.
And many other examples.

It's obvious they'll forget. Go to sleep, man.