Interesting and Humour - page 4236


Which way will the price go? This is not a tester, but real quotes.

To the right, 100%.

There's been a lot of discussion on religion. I assume there will be just as many battles on the subject of vegetarianism))).
There is a lot of debate on the subject of religion. I assume there will be just as many battles on the subject of vegetarianism))).

First you have to have a good sketch, without that there won't be any battles.

Aleksandr Volotko:

First you have to have a good cast, without that there won't be any battles.

As practice has shown, the main thing is to start, and the opponents will sketch it out.
One is a wolf-life supporter, the other can't stand people, the third can't get astral lice out. And all of them are religious to the point of madness. Talking about things they have no idea about.
Nikolay Kositsin:

Sergei Mavrodi, the godfather of all the Soviet pyramid-buying freeloaders, kicked the bucket. He had a heart attack (I wonder where the bastard got such a rudiment as a heart from) at a bus stop, and the kind-hearted citizens called an ambulance. The doctors fought for his life for a long time, but their efforts were in vain.

God rest his soul!

What about forgiveness. Mercy.
(The picture immediately came to mind. A rhinestone cauldron on mahogany firewood. Above is the inscription-elite hell, admission only for current members of the triple comma club).

How is your treatment going? Has there been any progress. Has the evidence of astral entities materialised? Have new avatars appeared?
"According to the SA Scientific Journal, a team of scientists from the University of Cape Town has made a sensational discovery. It has been confirmed that our consciousness is controlled by astral entities!"

Who controls astral entities? :)

Aliaksandr Yemialyanau:

Who controls astral entities? :)

they live on their own, but who controls the beasts in the forest?))

How is your treatment going? Has there been any progress. Has the evidence of astral entities materialised? Have new avatars appeared?
What is the treatment? Proof is when the person himself feels or sees it... not a mathematical formula or measurement with an electrical device...
What treatment? Proof is when the man himself feels or sees it ... not a mathematical formula or measurement with an electrical apparatus ....
He can see anything he wants, if he wants to, and there are topics he can go cuckoo on. The only question is, what will it prove - your own glitches? Proof is when someone else can reproduce the same thing. At least, the glitches must be shared (although this is not a proof yet). And to present individual glitches as proof is to spit in the remnants of one's own mind.

PS. Somebody was talking specifically about practical evidence. And now moving away-"feel...see...".