Interesting and Humour - page 4233

how did you manage to join the high life or is the chatter still getting in the way?

Connected to space wifi now, the speed is impressive, thank you very much for the tip, quotes now come faster than from liquidity providers, you can scalp ahead, just super


Connected to space wifi now, speed is impressive, thanks so much for the tip, quotes are now coming faster than from liquidity providers, great

at least like this)))

Connected to space wifi now, the speed is impressive, thank you very much for the tip, quotes are now coming in faster than from liquidity providers, you can scalp ahead, just great

Drop some space wifi, eh?


Give me some of that space wifi, huh?

Can I get a grail?


Er... what about the evidence?

What proof? Proving the absence of astral beasts is up to those who don't believe in them.


and you don't give a grail?

Do you believe in the grail?


Can you give me the grail?

How can I give it to you without a wi-fi?!

Alexandr Saprykin:

What proof? It's up to those who don't believe in astral beasts to prove they don't exist.

Yeah, why me, if I don't see animals, it's something with my eyes, it's obvious.

Alexandr Saprykin:

Do you believe in the grail?

If you can't see the grail, it's like me with animals - something wrong with my eyesight, or else

If you can't see the grail, it's like me with animals - something wrong with my eyesight, or else.

Is there only one grail? Or does it have many different hypostases? Or is there simply many grails? Which grail do you see? Do you have one at all?

Alexandr Saprykin:

Is there only one grail? Or does it have many different hypostases? Or is there simply many grails? Which grail do you see? Do you have one at all?

What grail?! I haven't learned to see animals yet!


Animals live in the astral world which is between the material world and the divine world where light beings dwell and divine light shines.

This is the well known standard structure of the worlds, which can be read about in many sources.

The astral copy of a man also lives in the astral world where various animals living there can be stuck to it.

In the same place dwell all sorts of besika and other dark creatures of unpleasant appearance. If a man due to ignorance will hesitate, will ruin himself with stress and moreover will plunge into dark thoughts and affairs, he can easily aim at himself the whole zoo of these beasties... For instance, these little animals often love to drive a man to suicide by sending him such thoughts, while a man naively thinks that these thoughts are his thoughts and is often foolishly guided by them...

The animals are not dangerous for the man, if he sees them and takes different actions against them - for that purpose the animals try to camouflage themselves. They are also easy to train if they are energised a little.

The beasties are dangerous when a person is separated from the body or is trying to do so, for example in meditation - in these moments it is easier for the beasties to overcome the person's protective field. This is why meditation is practised by various sects seeking to take control of their adherents in order to get them to feed on some dark astral entity in meditation, which is then presented to the adherents under the good name of supposedly spiritual development.