Interesting and Humour - page 4203

Yuriy Zaytsev:

All religions are assembled like a construction set from the same elements.

The virgin with the Immaculate Conception is usually featured everywhere. As a rule the son of God does a lot of wonderful things, including raising the dead. Slandered and betrayed this man dies a martyr's death.

And ascended to heaven to his own father at his father's call .

By the way, who was this about, no answer?

Of course as cultured people we know that this is Hercules ))))))))


Where are the moderators?

This thread has gone from "Interesting and Humorous" to "Talking about History and Religion".

This is getting annoying!

Will you stop it?

Thistranscendreame, I suggest you get banned.


Everything mentioned in religious books, especially those based on the Old and New Testament, are allegories to explain the real laws of the divine strata of the universe. This is due to fractality - the repetitiveness of the laws of the universe in different worlds.

For example someone died and came back to life in a physical body is also all allegories to explain the laws of the divine world. Similarly with other events. The physical event itself is insignificant in the given context and is only meant to help in understanding the metaphysical laws of the higher worlds and non-material dimensions-spaces.

The classical example of allegories is the Jewish Kabbalah where the divine world and its laws are described by means of 10 spheres and the light flowing between them and it creates in the end all variety of world around.

Other example of allegories is the description of laws of the divine world by means of astrology-planets or interaction of primary elements and spirits, as in shamanism, so everything is extremely logical and practical for real life for existence of parallel divine spaces is a scientifically proved and easily checked up in practice reality.

Another example of analogies for an allegorical description of the divine laws of being is the laws of the Trismegist.

Even though fictional, the writings of Hermes Trismegistus had a significant influence on the mysticism and symbolic-poetic world of his time...

is an example of daring experimentation and a leap into the unknown...

Vladimir Gribachev:

Where are the moderators?

This thread has gone from "Interesting and Humorous" to "Talking about History and Religion".

It's getting annoying!

Would you stop it?

It's actually in the "interesting" thread, and there's humor in it, so it's legitimate.

And if it's annoying, why read it? No one's forcing )))))

СанСаныч Фоменко:

If you take into account your previous posts, a "normal and healthy person" is a free person, a person free from all kinds of restrictions, especially moral and moral ones, which are all from religion, but for us from Christianity: do not kill, do not steal.... And a lot of other prohibitions, restrictions, frameworks, which make up the meaning of "educated person", "cultured person" regardless of whether he is a believer or not.

Today, the "civilized world", which is comparable in number to a statistical error, has launched a struggle for freedom, freedom from everything. If there are no restrictions emanating from religion, then the free man is the one with the bigger and faster colt.

I'm not calling for murder and theft, but I think the movement of man towards liberation is an obvious trend.

including artificial restrictions and superstitions.

And why does freedom have to be associated with violence?

Vladimir Gribachev:

Where are the moderators?

This thread has gone from "Interesting and Humorous" to "Talking about History and Religion".

This thread is a million years old and it's not interesting or humorous.

This is getting annoying!

Will you stop it?

Stop reading and get out of your mind, nice man. A tincture of valerian will do you good.

Thistranscendreame, I say we ban him.

Burn him! He's getting out of hand.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

rationally, I have some explanations. as I am also fond of neural networks :)

in the brain, neuronal connections are constantly forming and fading, neurons work on the stimulus-response principle (output signal)

nothing prevents connections from looping, i.e. a signal can go through the same pattern many times, depending on the external stimulus or other connections

when this happens, a person constantly has the same thoughts spinning in his head, with different transitions from state to state, which can be called an internal dialogue

To stop it, it is enough to break some links, and impulses stop flowing through these chains, the dialogue stops. Through meditation, this is exactly what happens.

Unfortunately modern neural networks are very simple maths, incapable of true generalisation and creation.

even capsule networks are still a very "weak" mechanism that can recognize images but is incapable of independently generating ideas


The thread is a million years old and not interesting or humorous.

Stop reading and get a grip, nice man. A tincture of valerian will do you good.

Burn the fuck out of him! He's getting completely out of hand.

What do you think about the connection between trading and the above-mentioned topics?

You've been involved in those sects several times yourself and you know how it all works )))))))


What do you think about the connection between trading and the above-mentioned topics?

There's no connection. You can dream until you are blue in the face but if you don't understand what and how and when to trade you won't be able to help. This is my humble opinion.

You've been involved in those sects a few times yourself and you know how it all works )))))))

I'm not a practitioner. I had a chance to see this Rainbow many years ago, but I didn't understand it at all and forgot what it was all about. That's all I know. I'd rather you tell me where to start, so I don't have to read all that rubbish and waste my time filtering it.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

This is one problem, the other is the morality problem - as Sanych has already pointed out

In this case, religion is important as a social institution, but there is one biological BUT.

not all are given and it is not clear what affects more: biologically moral individuals to support institutions of morality or institutions to support morally immoral ones (a humpty dumpty will mend his ways).

+ Morals can be developed without religion.

This whole topic is important for the priests because they think that they have the monopoly on defining what is good and what is bad,

of course any questions about freedom or an individual way of development make them uncomfortable because they (priests) become irrelevant,

and the believers are cringing because they are offended that someone lives more freely than they do )))))).