Interesting and Humour - page 4192


Help calculate the price of the line, but there are problems when the bar gets between the dotted line)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Help calculate the price of the line, but there are problems when the bar gets between the dotted line)

it's the EGE ((((

СанСаныч Фоменко:

As a person who owns the fact, who respects scientific works and ignores conspiracy theory, you will not have much difficulty in blowing up the following lines:

There is a green oak tree by the Lukomorye;
The golden chain on that oak:
"The scholarly cat, day and night.
He walks round the chain all the time;
He walks to the right and sings a song,
To the left he tells a tale.
There's a miracle: there's a fairy wandering around,
The mermaid sits on the branches;
There on unknown paths
The footsteps of unseen beasts;
There's a hut on chicken legs
There's a hut with no windows and no doors;

The main thing is to hang up what is not written here and then, armed with scientific knowledge, shred, shred all this anti-scientific horror. And most importantly, to look so enlightened, and if for this more money will give ...., that's happiness.

Why shred myths and fairy tales? It is better to crush ignorance... or look for similarities between the myths and legends of different peoples...

The hut on chicken legs - some publications indicate that this hut has prototypes in the form of "death houses",
log burial grounds on poles or high stumps, in which (presumably) some Finno-Ugric tribes buried the dead...
Some authors claim that this was also the case with the Baltic Slavs, others refute this hypothesis...

Vitaly Murlenko:
Yesterday I paid 1147 rubles for the overhaul of my house. I looked on the Moscow government website, my house will be repaired in 2033 (in 18 years). The total area of my house, according to the same website, is 56778 sq m. And now my favourite. Let's calculate: For 18 years I will pay: 1147 roubles * 12 months * 18 years = 247'752 roubles. For 18 years my whole house will pay: 56778 sq. m. * 15 rubles * 12 months * 18 years = 153'300'600 rubles. I thought we just pipes and roof repairs (so the site they say), but judging by the amount of repairs, already in 2033 at my house will be golden domes, at least two helipads, armored windows, high-speed lifts, kevlar walls and platinum plating on the banisters, well, just for beauty. I express my sincere thanks to everyone who came up with or has at least something to do with the authorship of this wonderful, timely and so generous social programme. bow to you.

Well, no, the owner of the company you pay to: - during 18 years he will have several Mercedes, will travel abroad and will buy real estate for himself and his children abroad. He will educate his children in England and will probably leave them to live there and, when the time comes to repair the house, they will hire two Tajiks and at best they will patch the roof and paint the walls in the entrance hall.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Well, no, the owner of the company you pay to: - In 18 years he will have several Mercedes, he will go on holidays abroad, he will buy real estate for himself and his children abroad, he will educate his children in England and will probably leave them there .

When that time comes, the old company will be gone,

there will be another one that will start collecting money for the capital repairs from scratch,

and it's a merry-go-round, a perpetual motion machine...

Denis Sartakov:

When that time comes, the old company will be gone,

there will be another one that will start collecting money for the capital repairs again from scratch,

and it's a merry-go-round, a perpetual motion machine...

We have a waste collection contract with a company called Horns and Hoes. These hoofs made a promotion, saying that if you pay for a year in advance, you won't have to pay anything extra if the service increases with the next price increase.

The company worked for a couple of months and then disappeared.

Since the rubbish needs to be taken away, another company has come in, but they have to pay again.

P.S. Oh yes, it's called "European values"
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

well yeah, i like buddhism the best, it's less mystifying and more so to say pleasant to perceive and understand

I especially like the absence of God, the afterlife... and generally the absence of anything that even scientifically could be true :)

Buddhism is undoubtedly more appealing in this way,

the Buddha himself (Gautama) denied the existence of a Creator by stressing the process of self-improvement,

but some schools of Buddhism have managed to bring God back ))))))

and there's a lot of jumble and nonsense out there that's often contradictory,

so there's no need to filter the content...

and yet the wonderful thing is that it is man who stands at the centre, not an abstract god,

in monotheism, the deity serves as the super-ego for man:

it's placed above him and judges his actions and so on,

this is very convenient in terms of shifting responsibility (everything is God's will),

In Buddhism it does not work, and one cannot blame God and collect all consequences personally...

it is good that all tasks and processes are bound to man himself and subordinate to him...

Castaneda's theme is very close to Zen Buddhism.

Paganism is also more appealing because it usually does not set any explicit framework for the individual,

and pagan gods are spirits of places, natural forces and principles or deep archetypes (the latter are especially interesting),

because paganism was formed spontaneously, it is generally more honest than monotheism, closer to nature,

although it's much more chaotic and sometimes frankly stupid...

it is natural that the emergence of monotheism often (but not always) coincides with the centralization of royal power,

you can see this in the development of the concepts of Judaism,

the stronger royal power became, the more rigid and jealous Yahweh became...

religion became in the service of politics, and monotheism was ideally suited to that role,

Christianity was similar, Islam was a political project,

and monotheism didn't even invent a new myth, it just copied existing myths:

Sumerian-Akkadian, Egyptian, Iranian, Greek, etc.

the myth of the first man, the myth of the Flood, the myth of the dying and resurrecting god -

all these were borrowed from an existing set of legends,

in general the myths of different peoples all revolve around the same themes,

but whereas in ancient times mythmaking was spontaneous and natural,

then monotheism strictly forbade fantasy or restricted it to a given framework (canon),

a kind of mental prison...

Another important invention of monotheism is linear time,

In Paganism time is traditionally cyclic - it is an annual agricultural cycle and a cycle of times/epochs,

especially the cycle of times was outlined in detail in Hinduism (yugas, kalpas),

But monotheism "broke" the cycle of time and steered it strictly towards the triumph of the final Kingdom of God,

(I'm retelling the concept briefly according to Mircea Eliade)

in the end this also affects the worldview of people, here the belief in "salvation" and so on.

in itself, this belief is as irrational as that of the ancient pagans,

but much more consolidated and dangerous, though very convenient for authoritarian regimes,

it's not hard to see why authoritarian regimes tend to support monotheism of one kind or another...

and linear time has had perhaps a useful effect,

because it symbolically corresponds to the forward movement of science,

but at some point this concept will be inhibited and discarded,

which would correspond to a period of neoarchaic, a return to cyclical time, and this is already coming,

it's a resurgence of interest in the mystical, but with a demand for more freedom,

interest in yoga, folk, neo-paganism, lucid dreams, experimentation, self-development, more individualism, etc.

concepts of monotheism no longer meet people's needs,

because life has already changed and so has thinking,

if in the first "axial" time according to Jaspers there was a need for centralization,

now we are in a transition to a new axial time with a trend towards decentralisation,

perhaps the emergence of cryptocurrencies is one of the signals of this new time,

an attempt on the holy of holies of central power - an attempt on the monetary system,

of course the process won't be quick, but it will be very interesting,

Some new myths may be created (old stories told with a new sauce),

because man is always living the dream and the myth,

but obviously the inflexible dogmatic Abrahamic myths will not be in demand,

or they will be reworked into syncretic formats (like voodoo and the like)

because it is very difficult for a modern person to be seriously interested in the history of the Jews 2,000 years ago,

and myths are constantly changing to reflect what's going on in people's lives,

if only to make it interesting,

For example the myth of the grail in the forex ))))

Also if you turn to magic and metaphysics...

in the western tradition it is generally assumed that the goal of all existence is predetermined,

In the Eastern tradition the goal does not exist beforehand, but appears spontaneously in the process of development,

it's like the concept of Wu-Wei: a river flows not because it has a plan, but because it is a spontaneous process,

it's the same with the other elements of nature: a tree, a grass grows without any intention of its own,

that's why the shape of trees and all natural objects is so different,

of course you could argue that because living objects have DNA,

but all the same a particular kind of tree and its characteristics are not predetermined in that plan,

that is, nature is spontaneous and spontaneous, yet remarkably stable and harmonious,

you can project this onto forex too - it's elemental,

Therefore attempts to cognise the market using purely formal methods will not be successful,

To be exact, they will be successful, but with limitations (constant reoptimization of Expert Advisors, neural networks, etc.).

Most of the people present here trade successfully in the market,

But to teach a robot to trade as well is a very difficult task,

Most of us trade successfully in the market, but to teach a robot to trade as well is a real challenge,

perhaps it's so arranged that the "analogue" calculator of Logos and the chaotic zen of Mythos will coexist forever

< stream of consciousness off


Buddhism is undeniably more appealing for this very reason,

< stream of consciousness off>.

All these vestiges of religion will someday die out with further scientific progress, and so will Buddhism, as the brain evolves and the mush in the head diminishes

in other words, i perceive religions only from the point of view of social pedagogical f-i and as a slice of brain evolution when animal was transformed very slowly into human and the process of thinking and analysis was still a curiosity, and different abstract images and glitches were perceived as supernatural :)

until recently, lsd and other fuckers, after taking a dose, could create their own religion... and there are plenty of them nowadays )

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

All these vestiges of religion will die out one day with further scientific progress, and Buddhism too, as the brain evolves and the mush in the head diminishes

in other words, i perceive religions only in terms of social educational function and as a slice of brain evolution when animal was very slowly transformed into human and the process of thinking and analysis was still a curiosity, and different abstract images and glitches were perceived as supernatural :)

Not the evolution of the brain, but the evolution of consciousness...

It is connected mainly with gaining positive cosmic energy coming from the divine source and is not related to meditations and philosophies, let alone blind religious beliefs...

It's not the evolution of the brain, it's the evolution of the mind...

It's mainly related to gaining positive cosmic energy from the divine source, which has nothing to do with meditations and philosophies, much less blind religious beliefs...

it has to do with mush in the head, such as you have now :)