Interesting and Humour - page 4164


- Seema, where are you running off to with a bottle of cognac...

- Home...

- I thought I was going to my mistress...

- Please, Zhora, the best mistress is a drunken wife!

The aliens who kidnapped the drunken Russian went nuts and let him drive after all.

This complicated Russian language:

It's hit me - for the cause.

And wild to me - come to me.

I'm hurt - while I'm healing.

We're married - we're on speaking terms.

You're a foal - you're a child.

Unspeakable things - carrying different things.

He's got to - his wife will get him.

He's got to wait, he's got to give.


I'm in the underground. Granny comes up with a bag. Quietly touches my knee. I take off my headphones and a dialogue begins:

B: - Son. I have a FIFTH degree of disability.

Me: - There are only 3.

B (with a slight grudge): - So I have a third.

Me: - The third is the weakest.

B (with a fierce grudge): - So I have the first one!

Me: - You get the first one if you're missing a body part...

B (shouting): - Young man, it's hard for me to stand!!!

Me (getting up): - You should have said so. Please sit down.

The grandmother stood for a few seconds, clearly not understanding what happened... Then sat down and, judging by the look on her face, thought deeply about the meaning of life...


Programming programme - the first compiler

The founder of computer science in the USSR, in particular the section of programming automation, is Alexey Andreevich Lyapunov, who first proposed to consider a program as a sequence of alternating stages in which some kind of data processing is performed. Lyapunov suggested calling a stage an operator, and a counting scheme a set of operators and logical conditions. The scheme and the set of specifications of each operator is the program.The view of a program in this way was revolutionary and immediately formed the basis of the first translators (compilers) or programming programs, as they were called then.

Разработка языков программирования и компиляторов в СССР
Разработка языков программирования и компиляторов в СССР
  • 2022.12.15
1. Общие сведения 1.1. Рапира является диалоговым языком высокого уровня, предназначенным для обучения программированию и решения на ЭВМ небольших прикладных задач. Язык ориентирован в первую очередь на школьников среднего и старшего возраста (11-17 лет), но может использоваться и другими категориями пользователей. 1.2. Рапира, наряду с...

I will put in my 5 kopeck.

The Estonian traders have all bought in and started pushing the market sideways :-)

Cool))). This should go in the machine-learning branch)))). I feel sorry for the robot.
Cool))). This should go in the machine learning thread)))). I feel sorry for the robot.

Much more humane than digging into his guts.)) and here, you might even say affectionately.

The semantics of the picture is that the man himself does not know how, poking a primitive robot, and does not understand why he does not know how. They should also be facing each other, so that they poke each other.)

The wife wakes up her husband on the morning of March 8 and asks:

- Darling. Do you remember what today's holiday is?

- Of course I remember. Today is the 23rd of February in the old style.