Interesting and Humour - page 4156

Vitaly Murlenko:
If you specify when registering your iPhone that you live in Israel, Arr Store won't even try to offer paid apps.

Oh, that's valuable information!

The first-grade teacher was having difficulties with one of her students. She asked: "What's wrong with you, boy?" The boy replied, "I'm too smart for first grade. My sister is in third grade and I'm smarter than her! I think I should be in third too!" This was too much for the teacher. She took the boy to the principal and explained the whole situation. The principal thought about it and told the boy: "I'll give you a test and if you can't answer any of the questions, you'll go back to first grade and behave yourself." The boy agreed. - What is 3 x 3?" - 9 - What is 6 x 6? - 36 And so it was with every question to which the headmaster thought the third grader should know the answer. Then the principal turned to the teacher and said: "I think the boy can go to third grade." The teacher then replied, "I have my own questions too: - What does a cow have in number 4 and I only have 2? The boy, after a pause, replied: - Legs - What has something in your trousers that I don't have in mine? - Pockets - What's hard and pink - when it goes in, and soft and sticky - when it comes out? The headmaster staggered open-eyed and didn't have time to get ahead of the answer. - Gum! - What does a man do - standing up, a woman does - sitting down and a dog does - on three paws? Now the principal's eyes actually bulged wide, but before he could say anything, the boy replied: - Giving his hand - Now I'll ask 7 questions from the category of WHO AM I?: You put your stake in me. And I get wet before you do? - Tent - A finger goes in me. The best man gets me first? - Engagement ring - I've got a tight rod. My end sticks in. In motion do I tremble? - Arrow - Which word in English begins with F and ends with K and means a lot of heat and excitement? - Firеtruck" (Fire truck) - Which word starts with an F and ends with a K? If it does not, do you have to work with your hands? Fork - All men have it, some have it longer, some have it shorter. Does a man give it to his wife, after marriage? - Surname - Which organ has no bones, has muscles and lots of veins. Does it pulsate and is responsible for making love? - Heart The principal exhaled with relief and told the teacher: Send it straight to the university!!! I answered the last 7 questions wrong myself!
- I bought my wife a diamond ring and she hasn't spoken to me for a fortnight. - Why not? - That's the condition

Vitaly Murlenko:

The first-grade teacher was having difficulty with one of her students. She asked: "What's wrong with you, boy?"

The boy replied, "I'm too smart for first grade. My sister is in third grade and I'm smarter than her! I think I should be in third too!"

This was too much for the teacher. She took the boy to the principal and explained the whole situation. The principal thought about it and told the boy: "I'll give you a test and if you can't answer any of the questions, you'll go back to first grade and behave yourself." The boy agreed.

- What is 3 x 3?" - 9

- What is 6 x 6? - 36

And so it was with every question to which the headmaster thought the third grader should know the answer. Then the principal turned to the teacher and said: "I think the boy can go to third grade." The teacher then replied, "I have my own questions too:

- What does a cow have in number 4 and I only have 2? The boy, after a pause, replied: 'Legs.

- And what do your trousers have that mine don't? - Pockets

- What's hard and pink on the way in and soft and sticky on the way out? The headmaster was stunned with his eyes open, and didn't have time to get ahead of the answer. - Gum!

- What does a man do - standing up, a woman does - sitting down, and a dog does - on three legs? Now the headmaster's eyes actually bulged wide, but before he could say anything, the boy answered: "Gives a hand

- Now I'm going to ask seven questions from the category of WHO AM I?

You put your stake in me. And I get wet before you do? - Tent

- A finger enters me. Does the best man get me first? - An engagement ring

My rod is tight. My end sticks in. In motion do I tremble? - Arrow.

- Which English word starts with F and ends with K and means a lot of heat and excitement? - Firеtruck" (Fire truck).

- Which word starts with an F and ends with a K? If it does not, do you have to work with your hands? Fork.

"All men have it, some have it longer, some have it shorter. Does a man give it to his wife after he gets married? - Surname.

- Which organ has no bones, has muscles and lots of veins. It pulsates and is responsible for making love? - The heart.

The principal exhaled with relief and told the teacher: Send him straight to the university!!!

I answered the last 7 questions wrong myself!


If the colonisation of Mars takes place, what will happen to forex?


If the colonisation of Mars takes place, what will happen to forex?

There will be an era of space tailbacks


If the colonisation of Mars takes place, what will happen to forex?

There will be new pairs of MARSUSD USDMARS etc.
If the colonisation of Mars takes place, the calonisation of Earth will increase. And the aligarchic colour will become not just rulers, but now Gods from other planets and transplanetary corporations. And there will be first an interplanetary and then an intergalactic zoo. Sechin from the Orion constellation, Big Nabiullina, thunderer Trump(or Chubais). Either we will be sent by virtue of neglect to a Martian farm. Either way we are screwed. And since forex is mostly a thing for peasants, they will start to breed with noises of higher orders, due to the emergence of more computing power. It has long been unprofitable to produce goods according to human demand, more profitable technology to bring people's attention and desire for a particular product, and produce what you want (within certain limits, of course). That is, you know in advance what to produce, knowing that it will be in demand one way or another. How not to be always the first. YouTube is a prime example, you can create a trend of popularity for anyone, if you specifically work on it, then the crowd effect will do its work. It's the same with setting trends for commodities and anything else. Maybe, forex will become a kind of exchange between electronic currencies already. Where there will be no need to specifically maintain the supremacy of one, like the dollar. In the age of technologies, the sense of paper disappears altogether. And since the feeling is (and Google predicts the singularity) that the world is being transformed into a clan-based supranational global elite system, borders and states will remain only for mere mortals. The political evolution will take the form of elites with their own fiefdoms, but not antagonizing, but holding the whole world together. Then it is logical that each clan will have its own electronic currencies, but not hostile, but only competing, forming a single closed system of a different kind than Forex in our form, but similar in essence. So forex will not die for long.
I can't remember exactly how "the devils liked to play the most ....( I forget) of orland games".

Probably the centres of dislocations of the vital force draining people will be changed too, because of the new paradigm of turning a centralized hell-fire))) into a decentralized kind. As a consequence, the conditions of life for the flock in some places will probably change.

We would like to know where tomorrow will be better for our mortal servile corpse. And to know what to invest in now, what is not visible yet, but which may have already been planned as a new world instrument.
If it is cryptocurrencies, then which ones, obviously, there will be more than one, but also not all of them may be the main ones.

By the way, the fact that some claim that the future belongs to huge data centres can also be put into a multi-currency electronic financial system, which also needs a lot of space.