Interesting and Humour - page 4103


Korean band TREN-D (dance), music and song are ours (overlay).


Also from them -


Tired of spewing mud yet?
Artyom Trishkin:
Tired of spewing mud yet?

It's OK now (I mean the videos in 4 posts, not the thread as a whole) - I deleted 4 of his videos and posted two entertaining ones instead.

His picture above seems to be neutral.

Artyom Trishkin:
Aren't you tired of spewing mud yet?

Artem, you must have been secretary of the Komsomol organization back in the day?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Artem, weren't you secretary of the Komsomol in the old days?

People click on the Complaint link.
So it's all right here - it's better to warn with a post (to stop it) than to get banned ...

Sergey Golubev:

It's OK now (I mean the videos in 4 posts, not the thread as a whole) - I deleted 4 of his videos and posted two entertaining ones instead.

His picture above seems to be neutral.

The message was as follows: it is all the fault of the Fincos. Brothers Slavs unite, because
This will also help solve some of the issues voiced in previous pages.
The moderator who deleted the video - go to sea. That is all, nothing more.


The message was as follows - ...

One more time.

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Interesting and Humorous

Rashid Umarov, 2017.08.07 14:28

Attention all members of the community!

For any posts with politics, which provoke the participants of the branch to mutual squabbles and insults, will be banned for a week. This applies primarily to attacks/mockery on national and territorial grounds. Discussion of historical facts in favour of one or another country/people, under the guise of objectivity, will also be purged.

Anyone who joins in the discussion of such provocative posts will be banned, no matter what you write in response to such a post. We are forced to take such measures to maintain order in the thread.

Sergey Golubev:

Then one more time -

Two times about Korean women was quite enough.