Interesting and Humour - page 3989

Alexey Volchanskiy:

And the booze? ))

Usually an occasional bottle(0.5) of beer no more than once a week. Vodka I don't drink usually, but this year my daughter was on holiday in the south and brought me a litre of chacha. I have been drinking 50g of it a little at a time before meals.
I've somehow automatically maintained a stable weight all my life. Just the amount of food I can easily eat does not make me gain weight. Especially now that I don't eat sweets or baked goods because of diabetes.
It's exactly the same for me. Only no illnesses have bothered me yet. I'm in my 70s. I give my body whatever it wants, even tobacco. I don't deny it anything, the quantity or quality of food, like fatty or nonfatty, floury or nonfatty. I don't skimp on food, but I don't buy medicines. My motto is: let the body cope with what it has done, and if not, we know where the road is.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
It's exactly the same for me. Only no illnesses have bothered me yet. I'm in my 70s. I give my body whatever it wants, up to and including tobacco. I don't deny it anything, the quantity or quality of food, like fatty or nonfatty, floury or nonfatty. I don't skimp on food, but I don't buy medicines. My motto is let the body cope with what it has done, if not, we know where the road is.
Yusuf, congratulations on what I think is a successful new development - a differential indicator!

Is one rouble a lot or a little 100 years ago?

Prices for products in 1913.

Wheat flour 0.08 p. (8 kopecks) = 1 pound (0.4 kg)

Rice pound 0.12 p.c. = 1 pound (0.4 kg)

Biscuit 0.60 p.= 1 pound (0.4 kg)

Milk 0.08 p.= 1 bottle

Tomatoes 0.22 p. = 1 lb

Fish (pike-perch) 0,25 p. = 1 pound

Grapes (sultanas) 0,16 p.= 1 pound

Apples 0,03 r. = 1 pound

Russian pound weighed 0.40951241 grams


1.Workers. The average wage of a worker in Russia was 37.5 rubles.

2.A janitor 18 rubles.

3.Lieutenant (modern equivalent - lieutenant) 70 rubles.

4.Gorodovoy (regular police officer) 20.5 rubles.

5. Worker (Saint-Petersburg. It is interesting that average salary in Petersburg was less, and was 22 rubles 53 kopecks by 1914.

6.Cook 5 - 8p.

7. primary school teacher 25r.

8. Gymnasium teacher 60-80r.

9. Senior janitor 40p.

10. Criminal probation officer (a modern equivalent to neighbourhood watch) 50p.

11. Medical attendant 40r.

12. Colonel 325r.

13.assessor (official of middle class) 62r.

14.Privy Councillor (official of higher class) 500r.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

And the booze? ))

in fact alcohol can degrease, everyone knows very well that it can wipe grease stains off a monitor or something else. the body may need it to remove excess cholesterol from blood vessels, but the brain is clearly harmful, red blood cells stick together and clog small vessels in the brain which causes the most important neural endings in the brain to die off and it takes over 3.5 years to recover.

So alcohol is not an element that should be present in human blood, in my opinion.

With respect.

Yusuf, congratulations on what I think is a successful new development - a differential indicator!
Thank you, do you follow the thread?
Andrey Kisselyov:
As a matter of fact alcohol can degrease, everyone knows very well that it can wipe grease stains off a monitor or something else. For the body itself it may be necessary to remove excess cholesterol from blood vessels, but for the brain it is clearly harmful, red blood cells stick together and clog small vessels in the brain, which leads to the death of the most important neural endings in the brain, and it takes over 3.5 years to repair them.

so alcohol is not an element that should be present in human blood, in my opinion.


Alcohol is already present in the body in the right amounts, even in a non-drinking person or any other mammal.
Andrey Kisselyov:
in fact alcohol can degrease, everyone knows very well that it can wipe grease stains off a monitor or something. the body may need it to remove excess cholesterol from blood vessels but the brain is obviously damaged, red blood cells stick together and clog small brain vessels, the most important neural endings in the brain die off and take over 3.5 years to recover.

So alcohol is not an element that should be present in human blood, in my opinion.

With respect.

Yes, I've read about clumping, it's also preached by a doctor, I forget his last name, who claims that champagne is yeast poo )) I guess it works on impressionable ladies.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Alcohol is already present in the body in the right amounts, even in a non-drinking person or any other mammal.

Yes, as a metabolic product