Interesting and Humour - page 3942

Andrew Petras:

Maybe it depends on the format of the picture.

Maybe, but I can't check - all my machines only save in png.


An underwater park in Pula. Croatia.

An underwater park in Pula. Croatia.

Alexander Laur:

The debt was addressed not to me, but to the Russian Emperor Alexander II. I wasn't there at all back then. :)

Dimitri is urgently on vacation.

Who was addressing what debt? It was a figurative poetic expression of Mark Twain.

But the people of Alaska do owe an infinite debt to Alexander II.

What kind of rest can there be when the motherland is in danger?!


U.S. government debt chronicles: default or split society on the scales


Who do you think is leading the way in terms of US debt ownership? China? Japan? Until 2009, this was indeed the case. However, as of July 2017, the main holder of US government debt is the owner of the money machine, namely the Fed. The Fed owns almost $2.5 trillion worth of US government debt notes and bonds.

China and Japan have less for two: 1.1 trillion per brother. Eight years ago, the Fed had 475 billion in debt and China had 744 billion. Since then the proportions have changed, and the debt itself has doubled, approaching the 20 trillion mark

Хроники госдолга США: на весах дефолт или раскол общества
Давненько не было новостей о госдолге США. Американские политики сфокусировались на клановом конфликте внутри страны и внешнеполитических вопросах. Между тем, натяжение пузыря дошло до экстр

Ohhhh... ohhhh!

Высказывалось также и другое мнение [о космополитизме], известным выразителем которого был Лев Николаевич Толстой. В соответствии с этой концепцией патриотизм — пережиток варварских времен, зло, неизбежно ведущее к агрессии и вражде:

«Русскому Рэмбо» Александру Прохоренко поставили памятник в Италии
«Русскому Рэмбо» Александру Прохоренко поставили памятник в Италии
  • 2017.08.06
  • Аббас ДЖУМА | Сайт «Комсомольской правды»
В итальянской в городке Валльи-Сотто установили памятник герою Александру . Отважный спецназовец, выполнявший в 2016 году задание по выявлению координат боевиков ИГ (организация запрещена в ) под Пальмирой, погиб в окружении террористов. Поняв, что выхода нет, он вызывал огонь на себя. О подвиге 25-летнего солдата заговорили не только в России...

Instead of running a telethon to collect firewood for the elderly, they come up with crap to take energy from the waves.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Oops... wow!

There's a professional Russophobe troll on the site: posting another load of crap that goes into a search engine. There's already a public source of fact - Tolstoy is a cosmopolitan.

And the fact that Tolstoy had NOTHING to do with cosmopolitanism, moreover, his novelWar and Peace is a nationalist work of genius.

His novel is built on the opposition between the Russian world and the non-Russian world.Tolstoy loves the Russian world and Russian heroes, Tolstoy hates the non-Russian world and Russian cosmopolitans. He hates and mocks Napoleon; he dislikes the cosmopolitan Alexander I and is quite ironic about him. Tolstoy ridicules the French and the Germans, he is ruthless even towards minor characters. Such as the officer Berg, or m-lle Bourinne, who lives in the Bolkonsky family.

But let's be honest: it's completely uncharacteristic of the world's geniuses to write nationalistic novels. What gave rise to such a novel?

It's quite simple. The young Leo Tolstoy serves in the army, first in the Caucasus, recall that at that time there was a war with the mountaineers, then he takes part in the Crimean War, during the defense of Sevastopol, he is an artillery officer. Theyoung patriot Tolstoy understands that it was not the army that lost the war, but the cosmopolitan regime established by NicholasI. Like any honestly fighting soldier who has had his victory taken away from him, Tolstoy is truly furious. Being an excellent analyst, he even writes a note about defeat in the war. The diagnosis is clear to him.

And he turns to another European invasion of Russia, which took place in 1812. Things were much more dangerous then. The European army was huge, led by a military genius, but they won then, and lost during the Crimean War. What is the reason?

The answer is simple.Russian nationalism then withstood the onslaught of European chauvinism. Russians got a national leader - Kutuzov. The cosmopolitan regime of Alexander I in the face of destruction made concessions.

But the fake is launched and ready to be replicated, and the source of this fake is a completely neutral website.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

There's a professional Russophobe troll on the site: he posts another load of crap that goes into a search engine. There is already a public source of fact - Tolstoy is a cosmopolitan.

And the fact that Tolstoy had NOTHING to do with cosmopolitanism, moreover, his novelWar and Peace is a nationalist work of genius.

His novel is built on the opposition between the Russian world and the non-Russian world.Tolstoy loves the Russian world and Russian heroes, Tolstoy hates the non-Russian world and Russian cosmopolitans. He hates and mocks Napoleon; he dislikes the cosmopolitan Alexander I and is quite ironic about him. Tolstoy ridicules the French and the Germans, he is ruthless even towards minor characters. Such as the officer Berg, or m-lle Bourinne, who lives in the Bolkonsky family.

But let's be honest: it's completely uncharacteristic of the world's geniuses to write nationalistic novels. What gave rise to such a novel?

It's quite simple. The young Leo Tolstoy serves in the army, first in the Caucasus, recall that at that time there was a war with the mountaineers, then he takes part in the Crimean War, during the defense of Sevastopol, he is an artillery officer. Theyoung patriot Tolstoy understands that it was not the army that lost the war, but the cosmopolitan regime established by NicholasI. Like any honestly fighting soldier who has had his victory taken away from him, Tolstoy is truly furious. Being an excellent analyst, he even writes a note about defeat in the war. The diagnosis is clear to him.

And he turns to another European invasion of Russia, which took place in 1812. Things were much more dangerous then. The European army was huge, led by a military genius, but they won then, and lost during the Crimean War. What is the reason?

The answer is simple.Russian nationalism then withstood the onslaught of European chauvinism. Russians got a national leader - Kutuzov. The cosmopolitan regime of Alexander I in the face of destruction made concessions.

But the fake is launched and ready to be replicated, and the source of this fake is a completely neutral website.

I don't get it, what are you talking about now? Didn't Tolstoy express that opinion? Or did he, but you're still proving he didn't think so?

Dmitry Fedoseev: What kind of rest can there be when the motherland is in danger?!

Well, the motherland is in danger, and we're just banging on and on and on and on. It's urgent to figure out how much will save the motherland - and trade the right amount