Interesting and Humour - page 3931

Andrey Kisselyov:
Don't take all the nonsense on the internet about this topic at face value. the topic is very much discussed and a lot of "fiction" is attributed to this phenomenon.

My son has always been warned not to believe everything written on the internet, although he turned 50 in May. He reads all kinds of nonsense about alternative medicine and blindly believes it).
My son, too, is always warned not to believe anything written on the internet, even though he turns 50 in May. He reads all kinds of nonsense about alternative medicine and blindly believes it).
As long as he doesn't try it on himself.

Andrey Kisselyov:
Do not take all of the Internet nonsense on the subject at face value. the topic is very hotly debated and a lot of science fiction is attributed to the phenomenon.


Where can I see/read/talk about non-fiction? Not with any creed or sectarianism, but with a sceptical, practitioner's eye. This is when you saw felt and other effects, but do not say that the angels flew to me and I saw the light, or write books with theories of antigravity and other nonsense that love to write the creators of perpetual motion which they do not.

You just describe what happened and how it happened.

Otherwise everyone knows where the nonsense, but can not say.

I know about the OS, so I can distinguish the delirium of those who write about it from the nonsense. So you have experience in opening your own eyes, is that it? Then why don't you share it yourself instead of referring to books on the internet.


Where can I see/read/talk about non-fiction? Not with any creed or sectarianism, but with a sceptical, practitioner's eye. This is when you saw felt and other effects, but do not say that the angels flew to me and I saw the light, or write books with theories of antigravity and other nonsense that love to write the creators of perpetual motion which they do not.

You're just describing what happened and how it happened.

I don't even know what to advise, I am not interested in this topic, the last time I watched something like this 10-15 years ago.

With respect.
Andrey Kisselyov:
It's a good thing he doesn't try it on himself.

That's the thing, he tries it, he's a fucking experimenter).
Andrey Kisselyov:
I don't even know what to advise, this topic does not interest me, the last time I watched something in this vein was 10-15 years ago.

With respect.

I didn't doubt it.


Where can I see/read/talk about non-fiction? Not with any creed or sectarianism, but with a sceptical, practitioner's eye. This is when you saw felt and other effects, but do not say that the angels flew to me and I saw the light, or write books with theories of antigravity and other nonsense that love to write the creators of perpetual motion which they do not.

You just describe what happened and how it happened.

Otherwise everyone knows where the nonsense, but can not say.

I know about the OS, so I can distinguish the delirium of those who write about it from the nonsense. So you have experience in opening your own eyes, is that it? Then why don't you share it instead of referring to books on the Internet?

taboo)) there's no more Lukomorye, the oaks are gone...

All this is bourgeois prejudice, neither a Komsomol member nor a true Orthodox Christian has a third eye.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

The real story. The room size and battery size have been calculated.

There is a match, but the battery temperature is not up to standard and then what?
Dmitry Fedoseev:

taboo)) there is no more Lukomorye, the oaks are gone...

This is all bourgeois prejudice, neither a true Komsomol member nor a true Orthodox Christian has a third eye.

(They should be warned then that they are believers, not knowers.) Otherwise, a bright future is a bright future.

The end result is that we build a bright future together, while the real way to live in it is not a serf's business))). First we eat yours together, and then we eat each other's.

There is compliance, but the temperature of the battery does not meet the norm and then what?

Now you are questioning the foundations of statehood... Well, if there are state-approved norms, how can they be violated?