Interesting and Humour - page 3928


With that, go to a psychiatrist.

That's what I'm saying - with your pathology you should see a psychiatrist.
Andrey Dik:
That's what I'm saying - with your pathologies you should see a psychiatrist.

Your misfortune is that you talk too much, faggots.

Alexander Ivanov: Tofik Dadashev would trade on the forex market, is he alive now?

It is unlikely he would have succeeded - millions think: Bears, press on ... And others think: Bulls, raise ...


Your trouble is that you talk too much, gayboys.

Don't try to piss me off with an avatar, it's useless. you can find another way, you're too thick.

Alexander Ivanov:
Good afternoon.
There are such people, there are more than meets the eye.
Imagine you know your wife is thinking about her lover, or you know she is having sex at the moment with someone else, but when you try to talk sense into her, she claims nothing ever happened and you are the only one in her life. this is the downfall of your family life.
imagine that you know your boss better than he knows himself, his habits, inclinations, and you have an opportunity to use your abilities to take his place. is it possible?
Imagine that you know that a homicidal maniac lives near you, you cannot catch him, but you know his thoughts, go to the police and tell them everything? They will not believe you, he is a respected man in town, a good family man, they will throw you in an asylum.

Now answer one question, is it easy to live a "normal" life as you know it?

With respect.

P.S. you do not need such skills to trade in the market, an analytical mind is quite enough.
To whom it may be given, ....

О! I know Yuri Priezzhev. Alive, I think.



All the 5% who make money on the forex market have the same gift?! Well, maybe to a lesser extent.

It wasn't easy for his wife, because he could see right through her.

Alexander Ivanov:
To whom it is given, ....
I would call Tofig Gasanovic Dadashevaya's condition normal, while everyone else has degraded, losing their initial ability to perceive the world normally. Many problems would be solved by themselves when you know where and with whom your wife is, how she feels, what job prospects you have and whether you should get a job there, any lies would be impossible, and specialists would decide your suitability for the job at the stage of education and you would immediately get a profession the profession you want to study.
