Interesting and Humour - page 3881

George Merts:

The thing is, I live very close to those places.

And I remember well how we used to go for sausage under the Soviet Union and how the Ukrainians were not happy about it.

And there was a real fear - they were afraid of separation, where would we get the sausage from? You remember, there was a referendum - Ukraine clearly voted for non-independence.

They separated.

Now they blame Gorbachev, of course, and not themselves for choosing this very "non-independence".

About "lucky to live in a war zone" - well, if I lived in Afghanistan - would I have to say "would you like the USSR to come to you with weapons"?

Then why are you trying to say for everyone that there is no collapse and everything is fine. Things are fine for you, but not for everyone. How many people died because of it and will die again, and you have the attitude: I do not know anything, I am fine.

George Merts:

The thing is, I live very close to those places.

And I remember well how we used to go for sausage under the Soviet Union and how the Ukrainians were not happy about it.

And there was a real fear - they were afraid of separation, where would we get the sausage from? You remember, there was a referendum - Ukraine clearly voted for non-independence.

They separated.

Now they blame Gorbachev, of course, and not themselves for choosing this very "non-independence".

As for "lucky to live in a war zone" - well, if I lived in Afghanistan, would I have to say "would you like the USSR to come to you with weapons"?

Remember, there was a referendum!

George Merts:

No way. That's if you don't have any money.

If you do not have money, you are not welcome anywhere, even in your own country. But when you have a lot of money, you are welcome everywhere. And that's how it was in the Soviet Union. "Well... They're just people... love money - but that's always been..."

Misheko Sukashvili seems to have a lot of money, and he was offered a non-citizen passport like a beggar...

Kobzon is not in need either, let him come to Ukraine...

What money? The Soros money?

You are the lucky ones, but Vladimir is unlucky and lives in a war zone. And this is a consequence of the collapse of the USSR. Would you agree to be in his shoes? Why, you say it's good everywhere.

There is a Soviet film called 'The Old Fortress', and in the beginning of the film it is clearly shown that the Red Army is leaving the town, because the White Guard is approaching the town, so as not to endanger the local population. What do we see now? They are hiding behind the local population - here it is a glorious legacy of the great union. Was it just a film with a propaganda purpose?

Why didn't Vladimir come up and ask the armed men "protecting" him to piss off?


Why then are you trying to say for everyone that there is no collapse and everything is fine. It is good for you, but not for everyone. How many people died because of it and will die again, and you have the position: I do not know anything, I am fine.

No. That is not my position.

There were enough problems in the USSR, with Afghanistan, and with the Novocherkassk riots, and lesser-known conflicts. But that does not negate the idea that Russia now lives much better on average than it did under the Soviet Union. And if the people of Ukraine wanted to - they would live no worse - after all, when the USSR collapsed, Ukraine had everything - industry, agriculture, and research centres.

It is silly to blame Gorbachev, when they themselves shouted "we want independence. Because now the only problem is that the factions in power can't divide this power. And it is clear - the bars are fighting, the villeins are cracking their heads.

Vladimir Suschenko:

Remember, there was a referendum!

There was also a Ukrainian referendum.

How, I wonder, did Ukraine want both "non-independence" and "preservation of the Union"? It was one or the other. Non-independence" was chosen. We are now dealing with the results.

Alexey Viktorov:

Misheko Sukashvili seems to have a lot of money, and he was offered a non-citizen passport like a beggar...

Kobzon is not poor either, let him only come to Ukraine...

What money? The soros' money?

No, well, of course, one has to be loyal to the government. Was Saakashvili a non-citizen in Odessa?

It is another matter that you should not bite the hand that feeds you. And if you bite it, be prepared to be kicked out.

As long as you're not in conflict with the authorities, money is a prerequisite for a normal life everywhere.

George Merts:

No, well, of course, you have to be loyal to the government as well. Saakashvili was a non-citizen in Odessa?

That's another thing: you can't bite the hand that feeds you. And if you bite it, you must be prepared to be kicked out.

As long as you are not in conflict with the authorities, money is a sufficient condition for normal life everywhere.

EVERYWHERE???? Don't make 'her' laugh, she's already funny. Loyal to what authorities? Like Hitler? Are you not confusing loyalty with disenfranchisement?

George Merts:

There was also a Ukrainian referendum.

How, I wonder, did Ukraine want both "non-independence" and "preservation of the Union"? It was one or the other. Non-independence" was chosen. Now we are dealing with the results.

What is all this about Ukraine? Ask a Tajik who is now running from the Russian migration service whether they wanted to secede or not. I am sure that the answer will be unequivocal.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

There is a Soviet film called 'The Old Fortress', and in the beginning of the film it is clearly shown that the Red Army is leaving the town, because the White Guard is approaching the town, so as not to endanger the local population. What do we see now? They are hiding behind the local population - here it is a glorious legacy of the great union. Was it just a film with a propaganda purpose?

Why didn't Vladimir come up and suggest the armed men "defending" him go away?

Suggesting that the city should be surrendered. Have the population been asked where they want to live, do they want it?