Interesting and Humour - page 3878

Was China doing well? Did they have to break up into separate provinces too? But there was one clever man, Deng Xiao Ping, and the right path to development was found. Understand, you do not have to fall apart to carry out reforms. It was only the Bolsheviks who thought you had to destroy the whole world and then build a new one.

What do I care about China? Although China is also a perfect example of the wonderful communist machinations - cultural revolution, 70s, people being killed because of their religious beliefs.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Are you still talking? Can you give me the statistics?


We still have not reached the USSR (RSFSR) indicators of 1989. The electricity in your computer is all Soviet, down to the last watt.

The reasons of bankruptcy of the USSR were not the personal qualities of Gorbachev and not the conservatism of the party elite. They are deeper than that. It is the extreme inefficiency of the Soviet economic and political system, which was formed in the 1920s. The industrialisation of the country at the expense of robbery and enslavement of the peasantry and, as a consequence, transformation of the USSR into the world's largest importer of food. The country incurred an unaffordable expenditure on the arms race and the support of revolutionary allies around the world. And most importantly, it is the inclusion of the USSR in the world market as a supplier of raw materials. Its political and economic system could no longer exist without oil revenues. The sharp fall in oil prices and the ensuing financial and monetary crisis destroyed the USSR and the entire communist system.

Елисеева Н.В. Крах коммунистического режима. Банкротство и распад СССР | История новой России
Елисеева Н.В. Крах коммунистического режима. Банкротство и распад СССР | История новой России
К началу 1991 года союзная власть уже мало контролировала общественно-политическую ситуацию в стране. Советский Союз был похож на здание, на каждом этаже которого медленно, но неумолимо расползались стены. Экономическая самостоятельность предприятий – одна из главных целевых установок экономических реформ – выводила государственные предприятия...
This collapse will be echoing like an echo in a mountain gorge for a long time to come. How much blood has been shed because of it: Karabakh, Sumgait, Chechnya, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Moldova and Ukraine. All this is a consequence of that collapse. Now let someone say that this collapse was a blessing. That collapse should not have happened even if a single infant had died.

If so, it should never have been formed in the first place.


To call Gorbachev a quitter is utter nonsense. Even at 86, he will twist anyone into a sheep's horn with his will.

Dependence on Raisa Maksimovna is a double whammy from Soviet children brought up on the movies "Republic of the Skids".

Isn't it about time they started thinking for themselves?

George Merts:

It was neither a blessing nor an evil. Just a normal process of disintegration against the backdrop of economic decline. The blood shed had nothing to do with it. Blood could have been shed "guarding the USSR from collapse" - do you think it would have been "different" blood?

Only a blind man can fail to see the direct link. Without Gorbachev there would have been no blood. It was he who stirred up the local elites in the republics with his rhetoric and did not prevent them from speaking out. Before Gorbachev, there had been no such thing; if there had been any small excesses before, they had been nipped in the bud. The law protecting the integrity of the state was strictly enforced.
Only a blind man can fail to see the direct link. Without Gorbachev there would have been no blood. It was he who stirred up the local elites in the republics with his rhetoric and did not prevent them from speaking out. Before Gorbachev, there had been no such thing; if there had been any small excesses before, they had been nipped in the bud. The law protecting the integrity of the state was strictly enforced.

What blood under Gorbachev? He even withdrew troops from Afghanistan.

George Merts:

I don't get it... Everything is the same as it was. People are clearly living better. Nothing has been ruined, everything has been preserved and multiplied.

In our provinces we have mansions like this around any city, while in the Soviet Union there were only adobe houses around cities. And these are not the notorious "bureaucrats" - this is the province.

On the roads - there is nowhere to go because of traffic jams and there are more and more foreign cars than Russian models...

Where do you want to live? In Moscow? Buy a house and live there. Where else? In the Baltics - again, buy a home and live there... In the Crimea, in Ukraine - anywhere!

What's "ruined", people?

That's enough!!! You can live anywhere in the Baltics ... only with the status of "not a citizen". It's no big deal... You're not even a human being... just a disenfranchised brute... Or in Ukraine... There are no decent words.

Who stopped paying salaries to those who lived by the principle:

We are not afraid of work,

We will go to work.

But we won't work

And we will not quit our jobs.

Who stopped paying only for work done? All about family and other people's kids... They drank on the job and did not do anything, and they paid his salary... It was not the kids' fault, they just wanted to eat... That's what ruined the country. True, it is not the only thing.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What blood under Gorbachev? He even withdrew troops from Afghanistan.

Learn some history, since you were a kid back then. The Sumgait massacre, the pogroms in Osh, the events in Tbilisi, Karabakh and the Baltics were under Gorbachev. And all the conflicts that followed were a consequence of his ill-conceived policies and the disintegration of the country.

The reasons for the bankruptcy of the USSR were not Gorbachev's personal qualities or the conservatism of the party establishment. They are deeper than that. It is the extreme inefficiency of the Soviet economic and political system, which was formed in the1920s. The industrialisation of the country at the expense of robbing and enslaving the peasantry and, as a consequence, turning the USSR into the world's largest importer of food. The country incurred an unaffordable expenditure on the arms race and the support of revolutionary allies around the world. And most importantly, it is the inclusion of the USSR in the world market as a supplier of raw materials. Its political and economic system could no longer exist without oil revenues. The sharp fall in oil prices, the ensuing financial and monetary crisis destroyed the USSR and the entire communist system.

What 1920s??? Everyone who can write writes what comes into their head and you believe it. Before Khrushchev, everything was on the shelves. I saw it with my own eyes and remember it well. But when they introduced the livestock tax, everything fell apart. And people started leaving the villages.
Learn your history, since you were still a child at the time. The Sumgait massacre, the pogroms in Osh, the events in Tbilisi, Karabakh and the Baltics were under Gorbachev. And all the conflicts that followed were a consequence of his ill-conceived policies and the collapse of the country.
Yes, I know. Even if I express my opinion, it will not reach you.