Interesting and Humour - page 3855


What do you mean by "Jews"? Kasparov or Mechnikov did not consider themselves Jews - why are they "Jews" and not an Armenian and a Moldavian?

Although Mechnikov considered himself rather a Frenchman or a Russian

Even if this is true, the bigger picture does not change.

Well, you are interested in knowing the nationalities of other people's ancestors - why shouldn't other people know the nationalities of your ancestors?

What makes you think that, I wonder why there is a large percentage of talented people among Jews.

When I am talking to a foreigner in some country (in English) and he says that he is, for example, Australian from Australia and asks me where I am from, I say that I am Russian from Russia.

And they are always surprised - are they Russian?
I answer - "Yes. I had no choice.

And that's it, the conversation about politics in Russia fades away before it starts.


We don't choose where, who and in what country to be born ...

Sergey Golubev:

When I am talking to a foreigner in some country (in English) and he says that he is, for example, Australian from Australia and asks me where I am from, I say that I am Russian from Russia.

And they are always amazed - are you Russian?
I answer "Yes. I had no choice".

And that's it, the conversation about politics in Russia fades away before it starts.


We do not choose where, who and in what country we are born ...

But we all choose how to behave IN THIS COUNTRY, what to say and what to write.

And, by the way, to take responsibility for the actions of their country.


But we all get to choose how to behave IN THIS COUNTRY, what to say and what to write.

And, by the way, take responsibility for the actions of your country.

In what way should we be responsible? Should all Russians who find themselves abroad be grabbed and sent to an American prison?


But we all get to choose how to behave IN THIS COUNTRY, what to say and what to write.

And, by the way, take responsibility for our country's actions.

And the Americans gave me the answer.
Once (many years ago) when we were talking about nationalities and politics began (just regular chitchat), we were talking about the president of the USA, the USA and politics and the Americans asked - How much? (how much?).

We didn't understand and they explained that they would only think and talk about rich and wealthy people (incl. presidents of countries) and their jobs if they (rich people in power) would pay them 100 quid an hour and for free they would think about themselves, their family and their friends who are sitting right next to them.

On the principle: "Are you rich and in power? Do you want to use my brain? 100 quid an hour."

This is how the Americans cut off unnecessary talk about politics.


This is how we should be held accountable. All Russians who find themselves abroad should be rounded up and sent to an American prison?

It was actually about citizenship, not nationality.....

And what does an American prison have to do with it?

Sergey Golubev:

I have a different point of view on this - it's not politics.

How is it easier to explain....

Look, they put the Reich's main war criminals (survivors) on the bench at Nuremberg in '45, and they all said they were not guilty of anything - the Führer gave the orders and they only followed them. And they couldn't say no - the Führer as a politician was chosen by the people, and they obeyed his orders...

The Führer was the politician and they were just the doers. And the Führer had been chosen by the people - that was the sacred thing, the will of the people.

Only Göring stood to the end


It was actually about citizenship, not nationality.....

And what does this have to do with an American prison?

Is stating a fact a bad thing and not allowed to talk about it?


It was actually about citizenship, not nationality.....

And what does an American prison have to do with it?

Well, for foreigners, all Russian citizens are Russians. And American prisons deport our citizens who find themselves abroad, if there is the slightest reason.