Interesting and Humour - page 3816

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Corruption is such a wonderful word: it explains absolutely everything in life, and most importantly allows you to hide the real problems, that is the main point of this concept, especially useful in underdeveloped countries, so that the ochlos do not think about the real problems.

Let us take medicine as a concrete example.

This year the destruction of the Soviet medicine, the purpose of which was to treat people, was completed. For bad or for good, the aim was to cure people.

Today Russian medicine no longer has such a purpose to "treat".

Since this year, medicine is a service which, naturally, must make a profit. Profit is the meaning of the society in which we live, and now of medicine. What does it have to do with "treating", what does it have to do with people in general. PROFIT has deprived millions of people of health care in small communities that have had something to keep them going since Soviet times. All this is called "cost optimisation". Today the destruction of all this Soviet legacy is complete.

At the same time idiots, who think that for money they will be given medical care, are extremely widespread. Why should they? Why would they think that? These idiots come to an organisation for which they are solely for wool and meat. But to suggest that it is impossible to buy "treatment" for money in an organization whose raison d'être is profit does not compute in the minds of these people with a stomach instead of a brain.


About 5 or 7 years ago, it was reported that doctors in one of the leading clinics in Moscow checked the financial situation of patients, and then tricked them into paying. If patients refused, they were prescribed medicines which made their condition worse. A friend of mine was caught in this mix, when she foolishly drove a BMW to the hospital. While being treated for a perfectly treatable illness she began to die. Luckily for her she had a doctor daughter, who to her surprise saw the deterioration and inquired about the prescriptions. The mother was taken out with the cops - the guards would not let her out.

The daughter's clinic, which did not deal with the disease, managed to cure her condition very quickly, she is still alive today.

Absolutely right! If it's something serious, she's dead, for sure!

Alexey Viktorov:

.... Would you call that corruption? I don't know.

The word corruption is a kind of meme to be used in the Maidans against the government in underdeveloped countries.

There is no such concept in the Russian Criminal Code.

There is an article called "Bribery" - 290 of the Criminal Code - up to 8 years.

I am describing a completely different crime: "Extortion". Here it is up to 15 years. If they prove that people were driven to their deaths, they can get life imprisonment. Extortion is usually not a single crime, there are always related crimes and it all adds up, which is why you can get life imprisonment.

And in these circumstances various "anti-corruption" fighters (and I think others) are taking the problem to some mythical area which is not spelled out in the Criminal Code. In my particular case these fighters with their cries will help doctors-extortionists to jump from a terrible article to a much more comfortable one.

Here is the concrete price of speculating on the subject of "corruption".

СанСаныч Фоменко:

The word corruption is a kind of meme to be used in the Maidans against the government in underdeveloped countries.

There is no such concept in the Russian Criminal Code.

There is an article called "Bribery" - 290 of the Criminal Code - up to 8 years.

I am describing a completely different crime: "Extortion". Here it is up to 15 years. If they prove that people were driven to their deaths, they can get life imprisonment. Extortion is usually not a single crime, there are always related crimes and it all adds up, which is why you can get life imprisonment.

And in these circumstances various "anti-corruption" fighters (and I think others) are taking the problem to some mythical area which is not spelled out in the Criminal Code. In my particular case these fighters with their cries will help doctors-extortionists to jump from a terrible article to a much more comfortable one.

Here is the concrete price of speculating on the subject of "corruption".

Your usual schizophrenia - if there is no concept of corruption in the Criminal Code, then there is no corruption, but the fact that there is no article on "inciting to death" in the Criminal Code does not bother you.
СанСаныч Фоменко:


From this year medicine is a service


It's working for pharmacology and medical device manufacturers.

I recently wrote about going to a city clinic this year.

Only the general practitioner writes a coupon to see a specialist. It takes 7-10 days to see a general practitioner. Accordingly, to the narrow specialist - another 7-10. And, it is not particularly important that you can go to the emergency room on a first-come, first-served basis - he will still send you to a general practitioner.

The result - exacerbations, neglected conditions - prescription - pharmacy. And it is clear that the prescription will not be affordable Russian drugs.

(Which is hilarious. ) When I personally was asked what to do in case of acute pain, they told me to call an ambulance and let them take me to an inpatient department. I.e., no responsibility - if only to get out and die - just get out of the clinic).

But my point is.

I was present when two medical attendants were talking to me. Both very old, one with 53 years' experience.

So the aunts, excuse me, were shitting each other - it's because of the way they're organised. Because they themselves are in the same situation as their patients.

And all this reminds me a lot of the situation with the USE. A couple of years after its introduction, someone from the Ministry of Education, I don't remember who, honestly admitted: if teachers and school principals had not been scared and organised to oppose it, there would have been no USE.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

In North Korea you can smoke marijuana, cannabis. Legally... :)

A good point of convergence to start negotiations to break the impasse between the countries.

I always suspected there was something the DPRK and the U.S. had in common, to the point of pain...

We should tell the State Department to analyse the subject.


Found an interesting one about drugs in North Korea - "people look at you strangely if you don't do drugs" - that's more our Soviet way, if you don't drink vodka.


It's not a big deal, we'll soon be like them. The scenario is brilliantly simple: strengthen the fight against smoking - raise the price of tobacco - allow soft drugs.

ps and the proposal has already been submitted to the Duma.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Corruption is such a wonderful word: it explains absolutely everything in life, and most importantly allows you to hide the real problems, that is the main point of this concept, especially useful in underdeveloped countries, so that the ochlos do not think about the real problems.

Let us take medicine as a concrete example.

This year the destruction of the Soviet medicine, the purpose of which was to treat people, was completed. For bad or for good, the aim was to cure people.

Today Russian medicine no longer has such a purpose to "treat".

Since this year, medicine is a service which, naturally, must make a profit. Profit is the meaning of the society in which we live, and now of medicine. What does it have to do with "treating", what does it have to do with people in general. PROFIT has deprived millions of people of health care in small communities that have had something to keep them going since Soviet times. All this is called "cost optimisation". Today the destruction of all this Soviet legacy is complete.

At the same time idiots, who believe that for money they will be given medical care, are extremely widespread. Why should they? Why would they think that? These idiots come to an organisation for which they are solely for wool and meat. But to suggest that it is impossible to buy "treatment" for money in an organization whose raison d'être is profit does not fit in the minds of these people with a stomach instead of a brain.


About 5 or 7 years ago, it was reported that doctors in one of the leading clinics in Moscow checked the financial situation of patients, and then tricked them into paying. If patients refused, they were prescribed medicines which made their condition worse. A friend of mine was caught in this mix, when she foolishly drove a BMW to the hospital. While being treated for a perfectly treatable illness she began to die. Luckily she had a daughter who was a doctor and to her surprise saw the deterioration and inquired about her appointments. The mother was taken out with the cops - the guards would not let her out.

The daughter's clinic, which did not deal with the illness, treated her very quickly and she is still alive today.

And if you think about the problem from another perspective, namely the purpose of life from the point of view of nature. It consists of birth, endowment of individual with minimal necessary set of innate complexes of life-support, development and adaptation of organism to environment, reaching adulthood, taking care of descendants, irrespective of will of organism under the pretext of "love to opposite sex", education of descendants, rest from committed acts, if all ends safely, ageing and death of organism. Here, the natural course of life. There is no place here for medicine as the whole variety of living beings, except human beings, do without it. It is not known, whether the man correctly acts or not, refusing a natural course of life, contrary to millions of varieties of other living organisms, which, not having an idea of medicine, on the contrary, from nature get an opportunity of immunity strengthening, passing from generation to generation. The man, carried away by medicine, voluntarily and involuntarily, weakens this natural mechanism of self-protection of his whole race. Would it be any consolation for anyone to prolong his life by a few years compared to a future state of eternal rest? By universally abandoning the bearish services of medicine, humanity will once again return to the bosom of nature and will only grow stronger from generation to generation and eventually acquire a "beastly" body. In the process, everyone has to sacrifice his or her own narrow interests, such as the chance to live a little longer with the help of medicine, which may prove to be to his or her detriment as well. Then, a generation of healthy, viable human beings will appear on earth, capable of continuing the generation for millions of years. Otherwise, if people get addicted to medicine it is not excluded that human organism will finally degrade and disappear from the face of the earth.

Personally I do not use medicine, have never been in a hospital, have lived so far, up to 69 years, I hope to leave healthy offspring (2 sons and 4 daughters), on health do not complain, supply the body with everything he wants, including smoking, do not deny himself in anything and always ready to accept a natural death with my head held high. Believe me, with such approach it is easier and more pleasant to live and enjoy another day, from the thought that, still the body is able to live. I do not know if philosophers have expressed such thought or not, but I am sure that mankind, forcedly, will come to realization of such mechanism of development, if it wants to save and improve itself.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Found an interesting one about drugs in North Korea - "people look at you strangely if you don't do drugs" - that's more our Soviet way, if you don't drink vodka.

It's like you were born under a fence.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

... Here, the natural course of life. There is no place for medicine here, just as the whole variety of living beings, except man, do without it...

This is a very controversial statement. Many living beings self-medicate when they are sick or injured, and also do things to prevent (prevent) disease... both their own and their offspring's.