Interesting and Humour - page 3780

Denis Sartakov:

It's better to have fun dancing so that others will dance when looking at you, or at least read Omar Khayyam :)

Oh, cool! He's just like Vysotsky, our Omar!

Look, I googled it, it's really Omar, but he looks like Vysotsky!

the translation is great ! there are people !

someone will say i'm worthless, i'm a piece of shit, someone has to attack me !

come on friends, let's stretch !

Server Muradasilov:

You live and learn.) I can't even figure it out with the help of Wikipedia :)Квинтэссенция

nonsense, quintessence is a quint of vinegar!

eh, where's the sabluk ? where's the niroba ? where's the nirobians ? - such special patterns !

It's better to dance and make the rest of us dance when we see you...

Very nice! I tried to access the lobster - "no access as per decree ..." ,

yes, yes, of course, no politics! Just saying, by the way, so to speak. ....

Denis Sartakov:

nonsense, the quintessence is the quint of vinegar!

eh, where's sabluk? where's niroba? where's nirobians? - such special patterns !

here's niroba alexei, wikipedia got nothing........... well, not a pattern at all, but related to the trade.....


well, where's our ronaldo ?

where is the attack ? break me completely !

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  • 2011.09.08
а вроде и зрачки не такие уж большие Бонус: Шайдабек Эседуллаев - герой этого видео на Первом канале в программе "Пусть говорят с Андреем Малаховым" Специаль...
Denis Sartakov:

It's better to dance and make the rest of us dance when we see you...

Very nice! I tried to access the lobster - "no access as per decree ..." ,

yes, yes, of course, no politics! Just saying, by the way, so to speak.....

To be beautiful is not to be born beautiful,

For beauty is something we can learn.

When one's soul is beautiful.

What looks can compare to it?

The lower a man's soul, the higher his nose gets.

He has his nose in places where his soul is not high.

He who has been beaten by life will achieve more.

He who has eaten a pound of salt appreciates honey more.

He who sheds tears laughs more sincerely.

He who died knows that he lives!

Two looked out of the same window. One saw rain and mud.

The other saw green leaves, spring and blue skies.

Through the same window the two looked.

We are the source of joy and the mine of woe.

We are the receptacle of filth - and a clear spring.

Man is like a mirror, the world is many faces.

He is insignificant and yet so great!

How often in life we make mistakes and lose those we love.

We try to please strangers, sometimes running away from our neighbours.

We exalt those who are not worthy of us and betray those we love the most.

Those who love us so much, we hurt, and wait for our own apologies.

We'll never enter this world again,

Never again will we meet our friends at the table.

Catch every moment that flies by

♪ never to be caught up in the moment ♪

Don't be jealous of the strong and the rich,

There's always a sunset after the dawn.

With this life as short as a breath,

Treat it as if it were rented to you.

I think it's better to be lonely

Than to give the heat of your soul to someone else.

A priceless gift to give to just anyone,

You won't be able to love a loved one when you meet one.

Isn't it ridiculous to hoard a kopeck all your life

When you can't buy eternal life anyway?

This life has been given to you, my darling, for a time.

Try not to waste it.

To give yourself is not to sell.

And sleeping near is not the same as sleeping together.

"No revenge doesn't mean you can't forgive

To not be near is not to love

♪ To live your life wisely, you must know a lot ♪

Two important rules to remember

You'd rather starve than eat anything,

Better to be alone than with anyone else.

A plucked flower should be presented, a poem should be finished and a beloved woman should be happy, otherwise you shouldn't have taken up what you can't.

Server Muradasilov:

Here Niroba Alexey, wikipedia gave nothing ........... well, not a pattern at all, but related to trading.....

He used to hang out here on the forum at one time. It was hilarious.
Server Muradasilov:

Here's Niroba Alexei, wikipedia gave nothing........... well, not a pattern at all, but related to trading.....

Well, you're relatively new to this forum, there have been some battles!

There's practically zero moderation! Sabluk, for instance, went to the nuthouse!

There was one here, he shat on everyone... although the guy's no fool...

Yuriy Zaytsev:
He used to hang out here at one time. It was hilarious.

Yura, hi ! Do you remember Sabluk ? That long, long branch that was torn down later !

Server Muradasilov:

To be beautiful is not to be born beautiful,

For beauty is something we can learn.

When beauty is in the soul of a man.

What looks can compare to it?

The lower a man's soul, the higher his nose gets.

He has his nose in places where his soul is not high.

He who has been beaten by life will achieve more.

He who has eaten a pound of salt appreciates honey more.

He who sheds tears laughs more sincerely.

He who died knows that he lives!

Two looked out of the same window. One saw rain and mud.

The other saw green leaves, spring and blue skies.

Through the same window the two looked.

We are the source of joy and the mine of woe.

We are the receptacle of filth - and a clear spring.

Man is like a mirror, the world is many faces.

He is insignificant and yet so great!

How often in life we make mistakes and lose those we love.

We try to please strangers, sometimes running away from our neighbours.

We lift up those who are not worthy of us and betray those we love the most.

Those who love us so much, we hurt, and wait for our own apologies.

We'll never enter this world again,

Never again will we meet our friends at the table.

Catch every moment that flies by

♪ never to be caught in the moment ♪

Don't be jealous of the strong and the rich,

There's always a sunset after the dawn.

With this life as short as a breath,

Treat it as if it were rented to you.

I think it's better to be lonely

Than to give the heat of your soul to someone else.

A priceless gift to give to just anyone,

You won't be able to love a loved one when you meet one.

Isn't it ridiculous to hoard a kopeck all your life

When you can't buy eternal life anyway?

This life has been given to you, my darling, for a time.

Try not to waste it.

To give yourself is not to sell.

And sleeping near is not the same as sleeping together.

"No revenge doesn't mean you can't forgive

To not be near is not to love

♪ To live your life wisely, you must know a lot ♪

Two important rules to remember

You'd rather starve than eat anything,

Better to be alone than with anyone else.

A plucked flower should be presented, a poem begun - finished, and a beloved woman - happy, otherwise you should not undertake something that is beyond your powers.

good, but long!