Interesting and Humour - page 3756

Microsoft прекратит поддержку Skype для Windows-устройств
Microsoft прекратит поддержку Skype для Windows-устройств
  • 2017.06.06
  • Софья Кадочникова
Все пользователи Windows Phone 8, Windows Phone 8.1 и приложения для Windows 10 Mobile останутся без "Скайпа" в следующем месяце. Войти в привычный аккаунт в этих версиях приложения уже не получится. Также сменить гаджет...
Oleg Tsarkov:

Stuff your liberal song, they have it all in large quantities too. What disgusting conditions many Americans live in, they somehow remain silent.

It's your eternal song to pull sentences like that out of a whole text. By focusing on them and reducing the usual domestic environment to a whimper.

And don't give me any political views, let alone liberal ones. This has nothing to do with politics at all, look around, that would be enough. Although it's better to duck your head in the sand and say that I'm just another liberal with state department money. I am equally disgusted by our liberals and incumbent liberals and the rest. Their bickering amongst themselves has nothing to do with the people. So shove your liberalism up your black hat.


It's your eternal song, pulling sentences like that out of a whole text. Emphasizing them and reducing the common everyday environment to a whine.

And don't give me any political views, let alone liberal ones. What has politics got to do with it at all, look around you, that will suffice. Although it's better to duck your head in the (TV) sand and say that I'm just another liberal with state department money. I am equally disgusted by our liberals and the incumbent and the rest of the chaff. Their bickering among themselves has nothing to do with the people. So shove your liberalism up your black channel.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

I also don't give a damn about those moustachioed performers, who have had no qualms about hanging out in this shit-hole for years, and now they're suddenly acting like they're deeply affected by events and soulful holier-than-thou people. People are like that, they will say, what can they do if the situation in the country is like this, they have to take money from the people they hate, it's not my fault, I'm actually against them. Take Sobchachka or many from other camps, they create wild things in public, while angels come out as one at rallies or agitations, they put on simple clothes, saying that we are as simple as you are. Sobchanka or someone else, Kudrin at the rally does not wear such clothes. Everywhere is a fake technology stylists, and with all their capabilities they cannot even put on a good show.




It's your eternal song, pulling sentences like that out of whole texts. Emphasizing them and reducing the common everyday environment to a whine.

And don't give me any political views, let alone liberal ones. This has nothing to do with politics at all, look around, that would be enough. Although it's better to duck your head in the sand and say that I'm just another liberal with state department money. I am equally disgusted by our liberals and incumbent liberals and the rest. Their bickering amongst themselves has nothing to do with the people. So shove your liberalism up your black channel.

Well, if that's not your thing, which is what comes to mind from the text, let's leave it at that...
What don't you like about the liberal form of government? Supporters of totalitarian dictatorships or something? Is that better?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
What don't you like about the liberal form of government? Supporters of totalitarian dictatorships or something? Is that better?

A liberal form of government is fine, with the appropriate political literacy of the people. And if not, we get Batska forever. Though now, looking around, I'm beginning to wonder about the future of my country, if it were otherwise.