Interesting and Humour - page 3748

Dmitry Fedoseev:

So come on, you teach your children patriotism and love of country. My son is in Germany, my nephew is in the USA, and my father is a patriot.
Well, the nephew has already learned a lesson from life and is already dreaming of going back. And my son says he will go back if there are more Muslims in Germany than Germans and they come to power. There is nothing to be done here, we are adults and everyone is free to decide his own fate.
Well the nephew has already learned a lesson from life and is already dreaming of going back. And his son said he would go back if there were more Muslims in Germany than Germans and they came to power. Nothing can be done here, we are adults and everyone is free to decide his own fate.

Yes I know, they all complain about life there and are going back, but no one is going back.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Yes I know, they all complain about life there and are going back, but no one comes back.
"Everybody comes back, except the best friends, except the most beloved and devoted women...").
"Everyone comes back except the best friends, except the most beloved and devoted women...)

Is there such a thing.....

are there such things.....
In songs, in fairy tales, everything happens. But in life... if your wallet is tight with money, a woman will be devoted to you. Otherwise, it's God's will.)) And the purse does not always save, how many cases have there been of wives leaving billionaires and suing them for huge sums of money.
In songs, in fairy tales, everything happens. But in life... if your wallet is tight with money, a woman will be devoted to you. Otherwise, it's God's will.) The purse isn't always a lifesaver either, there are plenty of cases where wives have left billionaires and sued them for huge sums of money.
What you are talking about now is very contrary to the socialist values you promote.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
What you are now talking about is very much at odds with the socialist values you promote.
I have not written anywhere about women as a socialist value).
I haven't written anywhere about women as a socialist value).

Neither have I.
If you do not succeed in your homeland, do not think that it will be easier in a foreign land, that paradise awaits you there. It is good where we are not. We are a country with a developing economy and we have more opportunities than countries with a developed economy, where the competition is much higher. I already told you here about my nephew who went to New York. He did not do well there and dreams of going back.

Don't generalise your one-off experiences to everyone. If a person wants to go, let him go and get his own lumps. Other people's bumps (imho) for some reason do not help anyone. And all because experience needs to pass through itself. Learning someone else's experience from words is like smelling flowers through a gas mask.

Einstein is credited with saying that it's crazy to do the same thing over and over again, each time hoping for a new result.

If you don't succeed here, you can give up what you are doing and do something else. Or you can go somewhere else and try again.

In both cases the experiment is made with some changes. In a new place you breathe differently.

By the way sometimes even moving to another city helps (and moving to another country with another culture...).

So people who want to go back are the exception rather than the rule. As a rule, in a richer society, even a worthless person lives more decently than in a poorer one.

Although the question of 'decent' or not, is more to do with perception of the world and not well-being.

In any society everything is balanced so that a person has to go to work. If it were not so, the janitors would not sweep, rubbish collectors would not take out the trash, cashiers would not punch the register and so on.

If it was like that, the sweepers wouldn't sweep, the garbage men wouldn't sweep, the cashiers wouldn't punch the till, etc. All people dream of working five years, making a buck and hanging out in the Maldives the rest of their lives. It's a beautiful dream but it's utopian.

If everybody earns money and goes to hang out, who will serve them? Who will produce goods for hanging out? And finally, who will treat a sore tooth or a diseased liver? Everyone has earned enough to hang on for the rest of their lives.

So it turns out that in order for everything to go round, a person's level of need must be just a little out of reach. it's like a carrot tied on a fishing line in front of a donkey. And so we follow that carrot all our lives, no matter what country we live in. At the same time dragging the cart that is tied to us.

In absolute numbers we are richer than someone else, and someone else is even richer than us. But relative to the cost of living is almost the same everywhere. Everywhere you have to go to work every day to pay the bills. Everywhere the wages are such that you do not have enough money for everything you want and you have to optimize, you have to give something up.

It turns out that your inner state, your life satisfaction, depends more than the salary or the country you live in.

Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

Stories of failures in the relocation, replete with facts when people move do not want to change, and that is why they went there in the first place. And if you're in a new country whining, "They're all wrong, they don't live right," of course then it's better not to go.