Interesting and Humour - page 3700

Dmitry Fedoseev:

SanSanych, in the old days you probably defended the atheist position as zealously as you do the religious position now?
Religion is a set of moral rules. A lot of them have been instilled since childhood. For example, a respectful attitude towards other people. So, a person who comes into someone else's house to shit is a moron to me.
СанСаныч Фоменко:
Religion is a set of moral rules. A lot has been instilled since childhood. For example, a respectful attitude towards other people. So, a person who comes into someone else's house to shit is a moron to me.

Or maybe the person feels bad and wanted to participate?
СанСаныч Фоменко:

An overwhelming number of people think otherwise - pride or vanity are deadly sins.

So we see what happens.

What about the hitchhikers? Who haven't been convicted yet? And if they're dead? That's nothing, but what about the handicapped for the rest of their lives? Nothing bad?

San Sanych, I've read the Bible carefully and I like some things in it.

But the trouble is, I have friends who are believers and when I tried to talk to them about the Bible, I was horrified to find out that they hadn't read it...
СанСаныч Фоменко:

An overwhelming number of people think otherwise - pride or vanity are deadly sins.

So we see what happens.

And what about the hitchhikers? Who haven't been convicted yet? And if they were killed? That's nothing, but what about the disabled for the rest of their lives? Nothing bad?

A dead hitchhiker. И? It's his life - he's free to do with it as he pleases.

Mountaineers risk their lives too and want to become famous. In conquering a peak that no one has ever conquered before, there is nothing but the desire to become famous.

An athlete wants to win an Olympic medal. И? That's the same desire for fame.

СанСаныч Фоменко:
Religion is a set of moral rules. A lot has been instilled since childhood. For example, a respectful attitude towards other people. So, a man who comes into someone else's house to shit is retarded to me.
I couldn't agree more, and this kid is a real moron and a moron... why did he have to come into someone else's environment?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

The desire for attention may not correlate at all with hubris and vanity. Just business... Otherwise, from your point of view, you could dismiss all writers, musicians... just businessmen doing publicity.

I wish there was a law on anachronisms...

Let's not get carried away.

Some people inform other people about their products for the purpose of exchanging goods.

That's not what I mean. I'm talking about "a moment of glory".

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Let's not get carried away.

Some people inform other people about their products for the purpose of exchanging goods.

That's not what I mean. I'm talking about "a moment of fame."

It could be the same here. It's how a person feels about it that's important, but you can't see it from the outside.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Or maybe the person feels bad and wanted to participate?
By the way, by the way... According to Christian standards... The lost sheep should not be beaten, but enlightened.

It's just that none of this is good for orthodoxy. Where is the humanity? One could have simply had a human conversation with him, talk to him, clarify, explain.... But no, someone chose to stand up for their "truth" with a sword in their hands, and the result was anger and hatred and resentment, for the rest of their lives. And this is a religion designed to soothe souls, to pacify life?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
It's just that none of this is good for orthodoxy. Where's the humanity? You could have just had a human conversation with him, talk to him, clarify, explain... But no, someone chose to stand up for his "truth" with a sword in his hands, and the result is anger and hatred, resentment, for the rest of his life. And this is a religion designed to soothe souls, to pacify life?
Yes yes, he's a lost sheep...
Need a talk from a counsellor, exorcism.
Take away the smartphone, cleanse it of filth.
I don't get it either.